An Open Letter to Edward Snowden

Dear Edward,

Welcome back to the human race.

Exposing the monster that keeps us all in its insidious clutches will likely serve to awaken at least a small number of people who slumbered while this beast put the whole planet on information lockdown. That’s very cool. You’ve done your part to remove the mask of our true enemy, the enemy of freedom everywhere. But while the USA Today ponders the question of whether you’re a hero or traitor—an absolutely insane question—what’s on my mind is that there are thousands of operatives just lie yourself who have engaged in highly illegal spying on others, including Americans whose tax money sponsored the vast spying program—and yet you’re the only one to step forward? You’re the only one with the character and sense of integrity to warn humanity that the hierarchical monster has gone way too far?

Think of that, Edward. Thousands of Americans on the U.S. payroll where involved in vast conspiracies to absolutely eliminate the last vestiges of freedom any of us have…and you’re the only one to break ranks, to stop goose-stepping.

Think about that. Think about the pure Nazis that this control system has turned all those people into.

All but one. You.

So look, if you read this, stay out of their clutches. These are the most terrible, ruthless, rotten creatures to ever walk on two feet and if they get ahold of you, they will do everything in their power to scientifically destroy your mind and personhood. Trust me on this. The United States is the torture and human-rights abuse capital of the world. Nobody does it better.

Stay alive. Stay free.

If these words constitute treason, then make the most of them.

The truth is dangerous.Stay dangerous.




*This may or may not have been written by Sean Swain, but because the Fascist Buffoons of Intimidation wage a proxy terror campaign against him, Sean cannot have his name associated with anything in print. If Sean wrote this, and no one is saying he did, his own declaration exposing the U.S. Army’s School of the America’s can be viewed here.

In a free country, Edward Snowden would have nothing to expose.