In the month of July, Sean goes up for a security level review. This gives him the opportunity to drop from level 4B to 4A and get out of solitary confinement. These are some guidelines for anyone who feels moved to call, write, or e-mail his Case Manager Scott Nowak to encourage his lowered status:
Scott Nowak
Case Manager, D-Block
Ohio State Penitentiary
878 Coitville-Hubbard Rd
Youngstown,Ohio 44505
(330) 743-0700 ext. 2437 scott.
Sean has suggested a few talking points…
“First, a list of things not to say:
1) Don’t mention that you are naked and that your in the OSP Parking lot…waiting
2) Don’t talk about your gun collection
3) Don’t refer to prison staff as “fuckweasels” “assclowns” “fascists” “pigs” or “turds”
That pretty much covers what not to say.
Now, some talking points:
1) I’ve been locked up since 1991 without a single disciplinary finding for violence.
2) I’ve been locked up since 1991 without any discipline for drugs or alcohol.
3) The current findings that brought me to level 4 did not involve violence nor harm to anyone.
4) I was placed in segregation in September 2012, which means I have been punished for almost two years for these alleged rule infractions; there are people who have been charged with crimes, went to court, plead guilty, went to prison, and got out- all while I am being punished for rule violations less serious than those crimes.
5) Since my last review, I completed two programs as required.
6) I have been over a year conduct free.
7) I have been involved in no gang activity.
8) My interactions with staff and other prisoners is exemplary.
9) I was not found guilty of being a co-creator of the Twelve Monkey’s as the last review falsely determined.
10) The actual, alleged conduct that resulted in my 4B placement was not serious, though the accused “ rule violations” were.
11) By the security instrument in 2013, I should have remained at level 3 but that was overridden, something the ODRC claimed it does not do when the ODRC was sued in Austin vs Wilkerson. So, by the story the ODRC tells the Federal courts, I should never have been sent to level 4.
12) Since coming to level 4, my work has expanded to Facebook (“Free Sean Swain”); has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Greek; and has also expanded to include weekly podcast’s at the-final-straw. All of this demonstrates I have broad support from people who value me. (Which Is More Than The State of Ohio Can Say For Itself)”
If you write, call,or email in support of Sean’s drop in security, please send a quick e-mail to, so we can keep track of the number of people who respond to this call out, even if what you send to Novak is nothing more than “Drop Swain to 4A.”
Thank you to everyone who responds to this call out.