Still Running

Swain still runningThe Federal Bureau of Investigation is clearly using the Ohio prison system to rig the 2016 presidential election. The FBI is so completely and absolutely terrified of the possibility of a Sean Swain presidency, they have directed prison officials to suspend all of my communications permanently. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. It’s all about 2016 and preventing me from becoming president.

You can’t really blame them, I guess. A federal court has declared me a “unique security threat,” so it’s pretty easy for the FBI to reasonably conclude that I’m the single greatest danger they’ve ever faced, and if somehow I got elected president, well, that would be the immediate death of swivelization.

They can’t let THAT happen.

No doubt the FBI has gotten together with representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, likely in that underground bunker where Dick Cheney still secretly runs the world, and they all came to the same conclusion: “Anybody but Swain.” And so, the communications ban.

Smart move on their part. Consider the political climate and landscape that’s developing. In both corporate-hierarch political parties, you’ve got some shake-ups. It would appear that the vast majority of this domesticated hierarch population is in the midst of a kind of electoral rebellion, openly rejecting the status quo that’s been offered in election cycle after election cycle. It would appear that everyone is disillusions with the same old candidates and the same old solutions. On the democratic side, we’re seeing a real surge from Bernie Sanders, a guy who is an open and admitted Socialist.

Yeah. The establishment of the corporate democratic party is on the verge of being overtaken by a Commie, with the popular support of what used to be the democratic base.

Then, on the other side, republicans are supporting non-politicians who are presenting themselves as insurgents in the process to bring about radical changes. You’ve got Trump and Ben Carson and Carlie Fiorina pretty much rounding out the top three.

Now, the politics of Sanders, Trump, Carson and Fiorina aside, the point is that the American electorate is seeking someone to radically transform a system they believe to be broken. Everyone senses that something needs to be done. The system as-it-is needs to be rejected and they’re all seeking a solution. While the vast majority of deluded hierarch voters may not know exactly what the problem is, or know what the solution is, they know the current reality really sucks.

And so, given voters’ seeming mutiny, it’s absolutely essential that the FBI keeps the duct tape across my mouth until the election cycle is over.

Just imagine if I was able to produce video, audio, and print media that fully explains the precarious situation that confronts us, or if I could give a fuller, more complete deconstruction of the current systems that reduce all of us to slaves dragging stones up the side of the pyramid, how those who assume the right to rule have hijacked our our lives and our future, and how the real solution is a complete rebellion against hierarchy in it’s entirety, the abolition of the United States.

Imagine if I could talk to millions of voters who are down with “throwing the bums out,” and I could convince them to throw the bums out forever. Imagine if that message resonated.

Voters would come to a kind of consciousness that they are each individually part of a massive, vast, disempowered, alienated population of the swindled and abused. So, whether I would really get elected or not, something would remain smoldering and millions perhaps would have a sense that the problem is bigger and the solution more radical than elected politics can address, a growing rage and love and hope.

The illegitimacy of the hierarch pathology is one of those things that when you finally see it, you can never un-see it again. So exposing millions of malcontents to a fuller analysis of the vast crime being committed against us, and what’s at stake, would create a situation where there’s no talking everyone into returning to their assigned seats.

One way or another, swivelization would be over.

So, to save the world, it’s necessary to get around those FBI-imposed obstacles. I’m currently finishing up my platform, a detailed plan for how to completely disassemble the United States and the global crapitalist system, which will be my goals when elected president. I’m calling my presidential platform, “Dumpster Fire: The Death of Swivelization in 2016.”

We need to get my campaign T-Shirts in infoshops across the country.

Wanna dance naked around a bonfire where the District of Columbia used to be? Vote for me in 2016. This is anarchist presidential candidate and Ohio governor-in-exile Sean Swain from somewhere inside the Ohio torture complex and I approved this message.