Aired November, 2016 on The Final Straw.
Author Archives: Sean Swain
On the Dakota Access Pipeline and Resistance to it
Aired December, 2016 on The Final Straw.
On Clowns and Swivilization
Aired October 2016 on The Final Straw.
“If you’re riding around with twelve friends in a little red car, you are the resistance.”
On Police Murder of African Americans, Colonialism and Redemptive Violence
Aired October 2016 on The Final Straw.
Statement to the Parole Board
I write this statement for consideration by the parole board in advance of the re-scheduled hearing to occur in December 2016, after having refused to appear on July 28, 2016. I write this statement to set forth the reasons I believe I should be given a parole.
IN both of my previous hearings, held in 2005 and 2011 respectively, I provided a description of the events in my case. In both hearings, despite my claims of innocence and despite the uncontroverted evidence that proves conclusively that events occurred just as I have always described, the parole board gave me seventy-some months and sixty months respectively. It is my experience that the parole board has no regard for the truth and I have no reason to believe that the parole board has somehow magically obtained any greater regard for it. So, related to the death of Andrew Crouch and the circumstances surrounding it, I will suffice to say that the events of 1991 have no changed since my last appearance and I remain as innocent of the crime for which I was falsely imprisoned as I was in 1991.
If the parole board seeks an admission from me that I did something that I did not do, I suggest they get some chips and beer. They will be waiting a while. Continue reading
Sexual Abuse of Inmate by Guards Ignored by ODRC
Aired September 2016 on The Final Straw.
If you would like to contact the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction and discuss the sexual abuse of inmate Michael Rhodus #A714293 by Officers Story and Swain (no relation), please contact the ODRC’s PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) hotline at 614-995-3584 or 614-728-3155.
More information on the Prison Rape Elimination Act is available here.
Write to Michael Rhodus:
Michael Rhodus #714-293
Warren Correctional Inst.
P.O. Box 120
Lebanon, OH 45036
Full transcript:
A guy named Michael Rhodus was sent here to Warren Corruptional Institution to get rehabilitated and corrected. Whatever he did to get here, the state decided to address his malfunction by subjecting him to the following situation, which is now well documented:
Sean Officially Labeled a Terrorist by the ODRC
Sean Strip-Searched, Punished for Not Participating in Prison Strike
Aired September 2016 on The Final Straw.
Although Sean has been a vocal supporter of the prison strike in his writings and radio segments, for a variety of reasons he determined that it would not be a strategic moment for him to participate in other ways.
Nonetheless, due to his reputation with the Ohio Department of Corrections, he faced targeted investigation of his activities and belongings and he and several of his associates were strip searched. Some of his writings were also confiscated and he now faces disciplinary procedures less than a month before he goes before the parole board.
The prison is using “Security Threat Group” classification to target Sean’s published anarchist writings and classifying the list of possible prison strike tactics he gave in his last segment as “possible threats.”
Please keep an eye on for updates on Sean’s situation as his disciplinary hearing and parole board date approach.
Full transcript:
The fascists are at it again.
In Support of the September 9th National Prison Strike–Part 2
Aired September 2016 on The Final Straw.
On the Nat Turner Rebellion–Part 2
Aired August 2016 on The Final Straw.