Tag Archives: trolls

Sean Responds to the Anarcho-Trolls

We sent Sean comments from his recent post to @news, and he wrote this response.


SEAN SWAIN RESPONDS: A couple of important points that need responses. In “De Mystifying”I concluded the US would not carpet bomb its own cities, not because the government if beneficent- it isn’t I believe US pilots ordered to bomb a US city where the pilots family lives,and would be more likely to bomb the White House instead. Also,based on the fear of that being true,the government would never roll those dice .A second issue is the irrational premise that irregular warfare can only be employed by authorizing specifically. Marxist-Leninist : Spartacus led a guerrilla war against the Roman Empire, using strategies learned from the “ barbarian slaves.” It was the greatest slave revolt in history and Spartacus was not a Marxist-Leninist. Also the Shawnee organized a federation of tribes that employed strategies and tactic of guerrilla warfare with great success until the federation unraveled for reasons NOT related efficacy of their approach. Later, the Lakota defeated the US Army in 3 consecutive engagements using guerrilla strategies and tactics, something the Vietcong (who were Marxist-Leninsts) cold not do. Later still, the Chihuahua Apache waged a decades long guerrilla war against the colonizer. If you have to be an authoritarian and a Marxist-Leninist to be an effective guerrilla, clearly Tecumseh, Crazy Horse and Guantanamo never got the memo. Marx never so much as mentioned guerrilla warfare. Lenin never used it . The strategy preceded both of them.

Never forget, contrary to the official story, Lakota women killed General Custer with frying pans. Emulate them.



Sean Swain (the fucking “wingnut”who believes rifles will still fire even if its not a Marxist-Leninist pulling the trigger.)