Author Archives: Sean Swain

Abolishing Slavery

David Lyle--If you see something say somethingWhen I speak of prison abolition rather than prison reform, even those opposed to prison will gasp and run in circles like Chicken Little anticipating the sky falling. But I don’t even advocate JUST the abolition of the prison system, but hierarchy in general, the end of the few ruling the many, of the State dictating to everyone.

We cannot conceive of a world absent the oppression, a world where people are free. But consider: there was a time when, if you told people that kings and queens would someday hold only symbolic power, they would have laughed at you. A world NOT run by autocrats with unlimited power? Laughable. Then, in feudal times, if you told people that their whole system would soon be obliterated, they could not have possibly conceived of the system that would come next. Or during the Crusades, if you had proposed a time when the pope would someday be a figurehead in charge of a handful of guards in funny costumes, nobody would have been able to imagine what system would come after, who would hold power, and how it would work.

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Operation Fuck Ohio: A Proposal

David Lyle--This Ends Here

“When the oppressor gives you two options, always take the third.”
-Meir Berliner, who died fighting against the SS at Treblinka Death Camp

“My flank is collapsing. My center is giving way. Situation excellent. I am attacking.”
-Communiqué, French Field Marshall Ferdinand Fuchs, First Battle the
Marne, World War I


When I was tortured at Mansfield Corruptional in 2012 and 2013, I attempted resolution through the hierarchs’ alleged methods of redress, only to find (not surprising) that every single avenue for challenging the system’s wrongs proved totally useless. I exhausted every single remedy available to me and even contacted the office of Governor Kasich and the legislature’s oversight committee (called the Corrections Institution Inspection Committee), all to no avail. The torture continued.

Concluding that the fascist police state was operating beyond all limits and reserving to itself recourse to ideological profiling and torture, I saw the need for a kind of direct action approach to hold state terrorists accountable. I drafted “BLAST! Blog: A Proposal.”

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Vote Swain for Revolution in 2016

Swain for president 2016I’m Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain, and I’m running for president. As far as I know, I’m the only presidential candidate who has been completely silenced by the FBI, forced to smuggle communications out of prison. And for good reason. My only campaign promise is to remain in office only for ninety days, with the expressed aim to abolish the United States, once and for all. Yep. I promise to take this motherfucker down.

The idea is, we can all conspire to highjack one election and toss swivelization on the trash-heap of history where it belongs.

Fuck hierarchy. We deserve better.

My stylish campaign t-shirts are currently on sale at the PDX ABC website. Just in case I lose the election to one of the corporate-party fascist fuckweasels, which is very likely if I don’t get your support, you can then use the t-shirt to make a homemade balaclava and get business done.

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Send Sean some reading material!

booksWarren Correctional Institution, not content with merely restricting Sean’s communications with the outside world, has now assigned a lieutenant to read through all printed materials sent to Sean.

Please take a minute to send Sean some reading material. That stack of zines in the bathroom? That one book you’ve had for years but will never read? All those fancy new publications you designed? Send them all! Let’s help Sean (and the fuckweasels who intercept his mail) something to pass the time.

Send reading material to:
Sean Swain #243-205
Warren CI
P.O. Box 120
Lebanon, Ohio 45036

Batman Must Die

Bane_breaks_BatmanUp until now, I’ve taken on a lot of controversial topics from a radical perspective, and I have often taken the most militant, anti-authoritarian position in many current  debates, but there has been one very serious topic that I have avoided. It’s kind of a “third rail” of broadcasting, something you just don’t talk about, a position you just never articulate if you want to keep your job.

Now, I know – there are haters out there who can’t wait to send the hatemail. They say I’m full of overblown rhetoric … and they say I don’t really know what I’m talking about … and they say “what kind of anarchist watches ‘Dancing with the Stars’?” and all  of them may be celebrating the end of my radio career – if that’s what this is. Here goes:

BATMAN MUST DIE. Continue reading

I’m Still Alive

boxingWell, I’m still alive. This is really awkward. I didn’t plan on this.

The current suspension of my communications started at the end of August. The fascists simply cut off all of my outgoing communication the equivalent to putting duct tape on my face.

This is part of a pattern. Fascists suspended my communications in January to stop me from producing video talking about my innocence in my criminal case. They shut down my communications again in May when I wrote a statement in opposition to the international crime of torture. No good deed goes unpunished. Continue reading

To Rebels, Insurrectionists, and Hacktivists Everywhere

lets goI’m ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard, but I’m still swinging with all that I’ve got. I gave the state an ultimatum: reinstate my communications or I’ll refuse blood pressure meds – which will lead to heart attack, stroke, or aneurysm. The state hasn’t budged and neither have I. I’m now out of meds and facing a spike in blood pressure. If I die I hope everyone reading this holds the same people responsible for my death as I do.

Odds aren’t so good that I’m going to live through this no matter how it stacks up. My website is in a state of transition, my access to the radio show is essentially cut off, and it feels like I’ve been obliterated beyond prison fences.

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Black December

Black December2Black December is coming, and none too soon. We’ve hashed out our theories and we’ve analyzed our reality, we know what kind of future we want and what we are going to have to tear apart in order to get it. The time for philosophizing and talking it out has ended and we face the inevitable moment of conflict with the forces of control and conformity and subjugation.

December really is the perfect starting point, here in the U.S. anyway. It’s the darkest month of the year, the most non-daylight hours to carry our acts of resistance and rebellion. Also, in the cold, everyone wears ski masks. So, a rebel about to strike a Walmart or a police car or some fascist administrator’s house doesn’t look quite as conspicuous as he or she might look in, say, July or August in the same gear.

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