Author Archives: Sean Swain

“The Soul as It is, and How to Deal with It”


i'm not listening to your rules

A quote, selected by Sean:

“Persons in power should be very careful how they deal with a man [sic] who cares nothing for sensual pleasures, nothing for riches, nothing for comfort or praise or promotion, but is simply determined to do what he believes to be right. He is a dangerous and uncomfortable enemy, because his body, which you can always conquer, gives you so little purchase on his soul…”

-Professor Gilbert Murry
Oxford University, Hibbert Journal
“The Soul as It Is, and How to Deal with It.”

Letter to Mr. Grodhaus

arm in arm

Michael Grodhaus, Chief Legal Counsel
Office of Governor John Kasich
77 South High Street, 3Oth Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215

June I, 2016

Dear Mr. Grodhaus:
Please be advised that the home address of ODRC Director and cabinet member Gary C. Mohr is posted online at along with tasteful photos of his house and a Googlemap application that allows visitors to posting of his address there was preceded by some of his information getting posted at prisoner support sites.

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Letter to Director Saul 5/18/2016

cat in snow

Joanna Saul, Director
Corrections Institution Inspection Committee
Riffe Center, l5th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215

May 18, 2016

“Those who make nonviolent change impossible, make violent change
-RFK, a Famous Dead Guy

Dear Director Saul:

I enclose copies of the Ohio Administrative Code Sections that irregularly and selectively do not apply to me.

OAC S5120-9-04 does not apply to me as I may be subjected to irregular punishments without so much as accusations of misconduct. That is, I may be harassed absent any accusation of misconduct. The ODRC gives itself permission to skip the entire disciplinary process and get to the fun part, sticking it to me. OAC SS5120-9-07 and 5120-9-08 do not apply to me as the disciplinary process is not employed before imposing punishments.

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Letter to Director Saul 5/14/2016

David Lyle--Retribution

Joanna Saul, Director
Corrections Institution Inspection Committee
Riffe Center, l5th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215

May 14, 2016

Dear Director Saul:

I enclose communication from Trevor Clark. His misrepresentations notwithstanding, this written communication demonstrates that (1) his ever-evolving rationale for justifying my 12 Monkey frame-up continues to evolve; (2) his ever-evolving rationale does not get any more constitutional the more he changes his stories; and (3) he is now throwing prisoners under the bus by falsely snitch-jacketing them and recklessly creating the very real potential of getting prisoners harmed or killed.

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P.I.C., Inc.

to the starsAn excerpt from a letter from Sean:

Prisons are definitely operating wrong and are creating greater social problems than what they purport to “solve”. But the fact is, the justice and prison systems are not operating to address crime and criminality. Prisons serve racial, economic, and political motives, and the prisons do so quite well. So, any effort to reform the prisons must be based on the false premise that prisons “aren’t working,” when in fact, they are working perfectly. They are keeping minority populations from booming, they are working as a relief valve on the unemployment rate; they are keeping the rabble-rousers off the campuses and out of the factories and tilting the political spectrum to the right.

Also, they don’t really want prisons to succeed at the rehabilitation mission. They just don’t. If prisoners get here and receive the empowering tools they really need for productive, law-abiding lives, get out, get decent jobs, and knock some other precariously-positioned and desperate worker to the bottom of the ladder, where that worker will have to rob the liquor store to feed his or her kids.

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Letter to C.I.I.C. Director Joanna Saul

David Lyle--Wrongfully accused

Joanna Saul, Director
Corrections Institution Inspection Committee
Riffe Center, 15th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215

April 1, 2016

Dear Director Saul:

My communications mediums have been suspended since September 1 of last year without explanation, warning, notice, or justification. The ODRC is essentially murdering my social existence beyond prison fences. I have violated no prison rules to justify this suspension and no disciplinary action taken against me has imposed a communications restriction to justify what I experience.

I have contacted the parole board because I have a parole hearing scheduled for July that I cannot attend. I have not had communication with my attorney because of this communications suspension and he has been unable to prepare for my hearing. I am unaware if he still intends to represent me, and if he is, what he needs from me. If he is not going to represent me, I need to contact other attorneys. I currently have a legal fund for gaining counsel if only I could communicate with the outside world. But, I cannot.

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