Tag Archives: blurred lines

Open Letter to Prospective Cop-Killers in Light of the Verdict in Recent “Blurred Lines” Case

blurredTo All Prospective Cop Killers,

The recent “Blurred Lines” verdict has expanded the legal understanding of intellectual property and what constitutes plagiarism. Your attention because, after a guy killed two police officers in New York, news media reported a Facebook posting by the killer that proposed that solution to police violence was to kill two police for every person police kill.
I refer you to the radio segment produced for The Final Straw Radio Show, entitled, “Back to Ferguson.” You’ll note that the cop-killer in New York clearly plagiarized my argument. He stole my groove, the same way Pharell Williams stole Marvin Gaye’s groove.
So, for purposes of intellectual honesty, I would respectfully request that all future cop-killers provide me credit when credit is due. In Facebook postings or website pages, emails or Tweets, please do not be irresponsible regarding intellectual property. Continue reading