Radio Essay: Shockupy

    Okay. I’ve had four cups of coffee this morning and I’ve got a plan. Check it out: We need to go from Occupy to Shockupy. Here is the deal;
Based on what I have seen in Kiev, what we need to do in the U.S. is get rid of the delusional pacifists who insist on absolute nonviolence. That’s the first thing. These pacifists are the reason that Occupy resisters couldn’t meet state violence with equal and opposite revolutionary violence- like they did in Kiev.
So, for the Shockupy plan, we get rid of the pacifists. We can get rid of them, and get them to think it is their idea. Let me read for you a letter I’ve already written for setting this in motion.

Dear people of Kiev:
On behalf of the people of the United States, I
regret to inform you are not doing this right.
You are clearly not adhering to the principles of
nonviolence. Please know that we are sending
American advisors to help you.
Sean Swain

Now, once Shockupy gets rolling, if we identify a delusional pacifist or a protest marshall, we hand them a flier and tell them
“The people of Kiev need you.” We give them an orange vest with U.S.A. stenciled on it and a plane ticket to Kiev. By now, plane   tickets to Kiev are probably cheaper than Greyhound bus tickets to Cleveland. We can send thousands of goofy pacifists to Kiev. Thats
the last we will ever see of them. First problem solved.

Did you know there are 48,000 homeless vets from Iraq and Afghanistan? We can put out the invitation to them to replace the pacifists we sent to Kiev as “advisors.” That’s 48,000 disciplined and disillusioned combat ready resistors who know how to shoot.
Also,did you know there are 200 million privately owned firearms in the United States? That’s far more firearms than all government forces combined.
So,with pacifists on planes to Kiev, and with 48,000 homeless vets joining us to take back the future from traitors, banksters, and profiteers,we only need to converge on one area in order to turn Occupy into Shockupy. In the last engagement State forces could
overwhelm Occupy because pacifists precluded a violent response and encampments were spread out all over the country; numbers were divided.
So, with Shockupy we converge on one area, not with some silly goal of getting newspaper coverage, or holding a square until cops show up, but with the goal of creating an autonomous zone where the government collapses and the system of international crapital dissolves. Permanatly.
Converging on one State like, say, Ohio- we out number State forces. Molotov cocktails, bowling balls raining from rooftops, and, as Neo said in the Matrix “Guns. Lots of Guns.” And in Ohio, it’s legal. The Ohio Constitution promotes it.
Shockupy. We take one autonomous zone. An area, like Ohio- this is where rail, shipping air and highway transport converge. If Ohio goes off grid, the whole countries economic system starts to unravel. You create a major choke point and you inspire further rebellions. You export revolution to Indiana, Michigan,Kentucky and Pennsylvania.
You burn down swivelization, like the Barbarians who invaded the Roman empire and took it down by pooping in the bushes. And if the fascist forces can mobilize enough troops to take it back, you give it up, abandon it and gather back together the next state over. Like a bunch of swarming locusts. A travelling flash robbery.
Anyone gets captured, you liberate them. You can always find your way back to the main body of Shockupy, by following the train of burning cop cars.
Shockupy. A concentration of forces on one weak spot in the fascist order. Ohio has a lot of colleges with a lot of dorm rooms. The weather is getting nicer, this would be an awesome summer  for a convergence to tear down this fascist machine once and for all. It all starts with a few volunteers  at each university arranging for sleeping space. We can forage free food at Kroger’s and free combat supplies at Dick’s sporting goods.
By Autumn, we could all be dancing naked around a bonfire where the Ohio Statehouse used to be. From there, all it would take is 49 more cans of gasoline and a bunch of matches.
Shockupy. Tell all your friends.
This is Anarchist prisoner Sean Swain from Ohio’s Supermax. If you can hear the sound of my voice you are the resistance.