Tag Archives: immigration


   This originally aired on The Final Straw radio show.
I think I have a solution to the immigration problem. But before I reveal what the solution is, maybe I should first point out what the immigration problem is. The problem is that governments regulate it in the first place. If you think about it, corporations aren’t regulated at the border. They can cross all borders and transcend all boundaries. Corporations are multinational. Money also passes freely across borders. Products. There are treaties the size of phone books that were signed in order to liberate products from being regulated at national borders. And we all know that jobs travel across national boundaries all the time.
In fact, the only thing regulated at the border is….people. That means corporations have more rights than you. So do green pieces of paper with dead slave-owners faces on them. Sneakers and cheese puffs have more rights than you. Even jobs. That means the machinery we use to toil all day for food rewards can cross a border before we can.
The reason for this makes perfect sense if you think about the purpose for national borders existing. Corporations need national borders. Those borders are essential for creating artificial pockets of poverty. Consider the situation on the U.S.- Mexico border, for instance. There you have a situation where you find hungry people on one side Continue reading