Tag Archives: underground

From the Underground…

Originally appeared on The Final Straw Radio

Imagine for just a moment that you’re a state terrorist. It’s your job every so often to torture those who expose your criminal agenda. Would you be scared if someone complained to your state terrorist boss who is giving you orders? What if they contacted a friend of yours who works on the legislative oversight committee? Would that bother you? If you were a state terrorist who tortured those who expose your crimes, would you care if one of your victims hired an attorney to challenge you in courts that already have a history of looking the other way? What about if peope maintained a website urging others to address your crimes through strict nonviolence?

Imagine you’re a state terrorist. Consider whether any of that would bother you, whether it would even give you pause. Now, walk a mile in that state terrorist’s shoes. Imagine what your worst nightmare would look like. Continue reading