Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thoughts on Ferguson.

Originally appeared on The Final Strawj nix

Let’s go back to Ferguson. As I speak protesters in Ferguson MO await the Grand Jury decision in the case of a police officer who killed Mike Brown, and I really don’t know why. This is the same criminal justice system that has justified the genocide of Black people by White government agents for centuries, the same system that hired this pig, handed him a loaded gun and sent him goose stepping into a predominantly Black community in the first place. So now thousands are poised, insisting that the same system somehow validate the life of Mike Brown by prosecuting the very same killer who killed Mike while on the same payroll.


Why are people appealing to an obviously racist control system for validation? To me this is an extremely sad scenario. It’s like thousands of abused children, traumatized and neglected by a vicious drunken father and even after they realize what a brutal monster he is, they still seek his approval and validation. I don’t get it.

Why does anyone care what a Grand jury thinks? Or the prosecutor? Or a judge? Mike Brown is dead, and to speak of justice for Mike Brown is ridiculous if you’re talking about some stupid piece of paper with a rubber stamp on it telling us what we already know issued by the same institutions that took his life. Justice for Mike Brown would be giving him his life back, something Grand Juries, prosecutors and judges can’t do. So, in terms of justice all of them are irrelevant. Mike Mike is gone, but there’s plenty that can be done to prevent the next police shooting before it happens. Continue reading


This originally aired on The Final Straw. nobel

Recently, the Nobel Committee named the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2013. Malala Yousafzai shares the award with some guy nobody ever heard of… Which isn’t to say he doesn’t deserve it. It’s just that he now occupies a dubious place in history along with the drummer that Ringo Starr replaced in the Beatles and that guy who was the other half of Wham! who wasn’t George Michael. He’s “that dude who won the Nobel Peace Prize with Malala.”
This year it seems the Nobel Committee ran out of heads of state to honor for managing several wars simultaneously. You’ll recall, Barak Obama is a prior Nobel Peace Prize winner, back when people were still wearing his “hope” and “change” T-shirts. So, if the conduct of past Peace Prize winners is any indication of what we can expect from Malala and what’s-his-name, they’ll soon be using drones to blow up wedding parties in the Third World and approving complex, illegal spying programs.
Yea for peace… Hope… Change. Continue reading

Please send Blackjack some mail!

blackjack-noteBlackjack Dzelajlija, in photo (bigger photo here) was sent to the super-duper-uber-mega-ultra-hyper-turbo-max because a rap verse he wrote appeared in 12 Monkey materials. He’s subjected to deprivation because the 12 Monkeys have great taste in music. If only Blackjack had falsely implicated Sean Swain, he would be at medium security now. Instead, he suffered a year of starvation and torture as Sean’s cell-mate in the Special Manglement Unit at MANCI, and has been held in solitary at OSP since August 2013 with no end in sight, targeted for his anarchist “ideology.”

Blackjack needs reading materials and penpals. All materials must come from a publisher or distributor, softback books only. His interests include anarchist theory and Christian liberation theology (convergence of anarchism and Christianity includes Leo Tolstoy). As a rapper, he could use a rhyming dictionary. And he could also use some mail to keep his mind engaged with the world on the other side of the fence.
Take the time to steal some good books for him and send them in from a local distro, and drop him a line so he knows he’s not forgotten.

Write him at:
James Dzelajilja
OSP 530-144
878 Coitsville-Hubbard Rd
Youngstown, OH 44505

The Mumia Law

First aired on The Final Straw. MUMIA

Have you heard about the new law passed in Pennsylvania? Super-fascist Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett recently signed a law that potentially eliminates prisoner public speech. This comes on the heals of Mumia Abu-Jamal giving a commencement address at a college he attended.
On the one day of the year that the U.S. didn’t start a new war, Mumia became a news story and Maureen Faulkner heard about Mumia’s commencememt address on the radio. Faulkner is the widow of the Philadelphia cop who shot Mumia in the chest and then forgot how to duck. She claims that hearing about Mumia is just TOO PAINFUL and she needs Pennsylvania to pass a law and shut up Mumia so she won’t have to hear about him.
Yeah. No kidding. And so far, no one in Pennsylvania is smart enough to realize it’s cheaper to hire someone to teach Frootloop Faulkner to change the channel on her radio. Instead they pass a law to silence Mumia and even call it “The Mumia Law.” Well, unless that’s TOO PAINFUL for Faulkner. She may have to get another law passed to prevent Pennsylvania lawmakers from calling this The Mumia Law and make them refer to him as “The M-word,” not to be confused with the “N-word,” which the judge used several times in Mumia’s trial. Continue reading

Jwow Speaks

The Final Straw gave Governor Jwow equal time after Sean Swain’s statements about his campaign for Ohio Governor.

jwowThis is a transcription of Jwow’s seemingly unscripted speech.

Is this fuckin’ thing on?  Testing, Testing.  Okay…
My fellow Ohioans… My fellow Americans… Uh, my fellow humans… and I guess that includes all of you filthy, scruffy anarchists out there who don’t plan on voting for me anyway: Suck it.
I’ve got a script here (sound of crumpling paper) but you know what?  I feel pretty loose.  I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to down those painkillers with alcohol.  I sluged them down with a bottle of vodka and I feel great.  Also, you should know, behind this podium, I’m totally naked.
Last week, the idiot who normally rambles through this segment talked about running for governor.  He said I’m obsessed with his penis.  Previously, the bomb-throwing moron claimed I have unprotected sex with dogs and fireworks behind the Masonic Lodge.  I’d like to dispel all of those nasty slanders, as well as tell you about what I’ve done for the last 4 years since Ed What’s-His-Name can’t beat me.
Hey, Ed: Suck it.
First, those nasty slanders.  For the record, I am NOT obsessed with Sean Swain’s penis… I’m obsessed with the penis on his anatomically-correct action figure.  That doll is hung like a mule.  Sean Swain in real-life has a mundane human penis.  We have satellite photos to prove it.
As to the claims that I have unprotected sex with dogs while blasting fireworks behind the Masonic Lodge, what Swain’s implying is totally outrageous.  One, they don’t even make condoms for dogs, and C, fireworks are perfectly legal in Ohio.  So, having cleared all that up, let’s talk about my leadership in Ohio for the last 4 years. Continue reading

November 3rd

This originally aired on the Final Straw Radio show.
swain fuck change revolt
I’ve gotten mail recently asking how my campaign for governor is going. In case you didn’t know, I’m running for Ohio Governor and the election is November 3rd.

Hope I can count on your support. My platform is pretty simple and can be summed up with a catch-phrase that’s as inspiriting as it is grammatically incorrect:
Ohio calls itself The Heart of It All. That’s what you see on the signs alongside the highway when you have the misfortune of coming here. So, it’s my goal, as Governor of Ohio, to drive a wooden stake right through The Heart of It All.
Here’s my ninety-day plan:
First, by executive order, I would decommission the Ohio National Guard and give their heavy weaponry to the Native American tribes who were here first. They can use that to take back what they want.
Second, I’ll empty all the prisons. 50,000 prisoners liberated. Not one fence to remain standing. Continue reading


“Ask for work. If they won’t give you work, ask for bread. If they won’t give you bread, take bread.”
–Emma Goldman

Dear Mental Health Therapist (?),

Sorry. I’m terrible with names. We spoke this morning and thinking about something you said prompted me to consider writing an article for publication, and also wanted to respond more fully to what you said– so, two birds with one stone, as it were, I’m writing an open letter that serves both purposes. YOU get stuck with the barely legible hand-written version. Again, sorry.

We were discussing the designation of ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER that has been placed upon me despite the provable absence of a “pervasive pattern” of “violating the rights of others” via evidence of 3 or more specifically-defined behaviors that are NOT indicative of me (1). So, at one point, seemingly giving up on the idea of rationalizing the diagnosis by pointing to behaviors that would justify it, you asked me, “If you saw another inmate steal an extra tray, would you report it?”

And to be clear here, at this disjuncture, you began exploring my beliefs and thoughts rather than behavior, which is very odd when we consider that the diagnostic definition of ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER exclusively relies on BEHAVIORS as indicators of disorder rather than beliefs. But, okay. We’re inquiring into my thinking.
I responded, “Absolutely not.” Continue reading


This originally aired on The Final Straw radio show.

Emma Goldman once told unemployed workers in New York, “Ask for work. If they won’t give you work, ask for bread. If they won’t give you bread, TAKE BREAD.” Her next words were uttered from a jail cell.
When we look at reformists, their strategy is bankrupt because of an unwillingness to challenge power– to “take bread,” as Emma Goldman put it. So, it follows that their tactics serve a bankrupt strategy.
When talking about prison reformism specifically, you’re working with 3 main tactics that are pretty reflective of everything else reformists do, and taking a look at those tactics will give a good sense about why reformists fail even when they succeed.
The Big 3 for prison reformists are “coalition building,” “hungerstrikes,” and “work stoppages.” All 3 tactics seek to create some kin leverage against authority, or an incentive FOR authority, to exercise authority differently. All 3 tactics say, “Give us X and we’ll return to our assigned seats.” All 3 tactics leave the same authority in power to take back what’s given.
First, coalition building. Prisoners and advocates push for legislation. Problem is, prisoners don’t vote, politicians don’t care, and the money is on the other side. Coalition building is doomed.
Continue reading

Level 4 Visitation

If you’re planning to be in north east ohio and want to stop by and say “hi” to Sean, these are dates he’s got Level 4 visits (which I’m assuming means you won’t be separated by bulletproof plexiglass.

Oct: 1 4 9 10 12 15 16 18 22 24 26 30 31
Nov: 2 5 7 8 12 13 16 18 21 22 26 28 30
Dec: 3 4 6 10 12 14 17 19 20 26 28 31



Reformists suffer from a kind of pathology. They believe in the possibility of “fixing” existing systems like the government or the economy, by way of making new laws or mobilizing support to institute new policies about how those systems operate. I say they suffer from a kind of pathology becuz believing in the potential of “reform” is kind of like believing in unicorns and magical beans.
At the root, when we’re talking about reform, we’re talking about a strategy for ASKING those in authority to exercise their authority differently. Unlike revolutionaries or insurrectionists, who seek to topple those in authority or to disassemble authority all together, reformists want to WORK WITH authorities to get authorities to WORK WITH them.
But consider this: Every change to an existing system is a “reform.” Right? Before the change, whatever it is, it was doing one thing; now, after the change, it does something else. So, reforms are occurring constantly, and reforms have been occurring from the very beginning of swivelization when humans made the mistake of settling in one place and growing crops.
Six thousand years or more of constant reforms has gotten us to this hot mess of mayhem that reformists now seek to reform.
Reformists are the ones who have been digging for 6,000 years in an effort to get out of a hole, only to find it getting deeper, so they now commit themselves to digging twice as fast.
Right. Pathology. Doing something for 6,000 years, over and over, expecting a favorable result… as if more of the problem is the solution to the problem.
And the thing is, even the reformists know what they do is an exercise in futility. Just ask a reformist some time, “How long before the system is perfected? What’s your timeline?” And that’s a valid question, isn’t it? I mean, they ARE trying to fix the system… So how long before it’s fixed, before we no longer need to tinker with it? How long before it simply works?
A reformist will stare at you with blank eyes, like a cow watching a passing train. No answer. No answer becuz a reformist, deep down, doesn’t believe– any more than you or I do –that a system like a government or an economy can be fixed and left to run perfectly well. Even reformists, for all of their talk of fixing a system, cannot conceive of an endpoint when the system is fixed, when reformists stop reforming, when lawmakers stop lawmaking, when everything is finally in its proper place and functioning fine.
So just imagine for a moment if auto makers shared this reformist mindset in manufacturing. If auto makers thought like reformists, everywhere you drive, you would have a team of mechanics running alongside your vehicle, tinkering with it as you go. They would never stop modifying your vehicle the whole time you own it. They would NEVER get done fixing it.
But what’s WORSE for reformists, the machine they’re working on is 6,000 years old. They’re still running alongside it, trying to get it running properly. What do I know? I’m a captive at a super duper max, a former gas station attendant. But I have a question to throw out there: If you have a machine you haven’t been able to fix after 6,000 years, and if you don’t even have a reasonable timeline for predicting when the machine will be running smoothly all on its own, isn’t it time to stop trying to fix it… To recognize the machine sucks… And to just scrap it once and for all?
Reformists are the parents who stay up all night before Christmas morning, trying to follow the nonsensical instructions and piece together that stupid, complicated toy… Failing over and over… Frustrated… For 6,000 years.
Where’s the plastic toggle switch? And why do I have these screws left over? Oh, what the fuck?!
Yeah. Like that.
And even when reformists succeed, they fail. Consider the example of prison reformists who seek furloughs and better conditions, conjugal visits and community diversions. You realize, not so long ago, all those things were staples of the prison system– and were taken out. So that means earlier generations of reformists already succeeded and achieved those reforms… That were later taken away. And modern day reformists seek to reintroduce reforms they know were introduced before… And will be taken away again.
So… Reformists are people who struggle to get the solution they had yesterday… So they can get it back today… Even though it will be taken away tomorrow.
THAT’S the recipe for perpetual wheel spinning. The time for fixing the machine is past. Let’s liberate ourselves from the reformist pathology and disssemble this unfixable machine once and for all.
For Ihsan, this is anarchist prisoner Sean Swain from Ohio’s supermax facility. If you’re listening, you are the resistance…
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