Author Archives: Sean Swain

Shitville Commissary Fuckweasel Reflect ODRC Sickness

fanCory Stephens has been here in Shitville for a couple of summers. Summers suck. In the cell blocks, the heat rises to well over a hundred degrees and there’s just no relief. On top of it, throughout his childhood, Cory had asthma. Now, in his twenties, his breathing only gets aggravated when it’s extremely hot or extremely humid. So, those blistering days locked in a steel cage carry the added, ominous threat that Cory may find himself wheezing and desperate for air.

He doesn’t have a lot of financial support and like most prisoners here, he lives month to month on a stipend of less than twenty bucks– funds he uses to buy soap and writing supplies, toothpaste and deodorant. So, an appliance like a fan is typically out of reach. Recently, however, he had a nice windfall of fifty bucks and immediately ordered a fan and an electrical power-strip to plug it in. No more wheezing and gasping for air. And, all things equal, he’d get his fan right before the hottest weekend of the year.
So, look: here’s how it works. We get our commissary order forms on Friday. We fill them out. Our orders get filled the following Wednesday. Anything not filled on Wednesday gets made up on the subsequent Friday. At least, that’s how it works on paper.
Continue reading

Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain is Running for President

presIn a press conference yesterday, latest presidential hopeful Sean Swain was asked what made him think he could be elected in 2016. He responded, “Have you seen all these fascist fuckweasels I’m running against? We’d be better off eating them than putting them in power.”

Swain asserts that his candidacy is distinguished not by his felony conviction or his FBI file that is now a voluminous several-thousand pages. Swain said, “The current president got the United States out of Afghanistan and Iraq. I plan to get the United States out of North America.”

After announcing his candidacy in the prison visiting room, Swain said, “Ask not what your government can do to you; ask what you can do to your government,” and promptly flipped off the attending prison officials. Next week, Swain unveils his plan for abolishing the United States of America.

Syria, Greece and Detroit

detroitOriginally aired on The Final Straw.

I think even the most deluded hierarch now has to admit that we’ve officially entered the era of the Failed State. Across Africa and the Middle East we see vast areas where government control has eroded, where the systems of hierarchical organization have so thoroughly collapsed that we can now call them government-less. To speak honestly, we’d refer to these spaces not by the names of the nation-state that used to exist there, but we’d instead qualify the reference in a way once used by a modern pop-star– we’d call them “The Area Formerly Known As Syria,” or “The Area Formerly Known As Yemen.”

We’re talking about growing spaces of geography that are as stateless as if a natural disaster has occurred there– but it isn’t a natural disaster; it’s more accurately an unnatural disaster. It’s been spreading across the southern hemisphere for decades, and implosions of nation-states across South America have only been delayed by economic manipulations formulated by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which have been a large part of the disaster in the first place. Continue reading

Communication Restored!

The Fuckweasels at the ODRC seem to have both run out of excuses for silencing Sean, AND realized that suspending his communication access indefinitely without investigation or slightest pretext of a rationale is going to make it hard for even the boot-licking federal judges to decide the civil rights lawsuit in their favor.

The communications ban was officially lifted on Sean’s favorite holiday: July 14th, Bastille Day. This means we now have a flood of new things from Sean which you can read.

Wanna read unconfirmed accounts of a flood of “oh shit S
wain is loose?” inspired ODRC suicides? Here:

How about a steamy update about Trainwreck Trevor Clark romancing Sean’s old Swintec Typewriter?


Do you like calling fuckweasels and the corporations that control them?
Well, the mailroom at SOCF are both inventing rules to block Sean’s incoming mail…

…and violating
prison’s most sacred “legal mail” rules to delay Sean’s outgoing mail:

Also, Jpay- the privacy violating snoops who started all this trouble are rachetting up tensions at SOCF with their negligence:

Please call those people and tell them to quit their fuckweaselry!

The lifting of the ban means that Sean’s Final Straw Radio segments are now going to be in his actual voice! You can hear his thoughts on subjects like: The Free Alabama Movement, Guerilla Warfare, Failed States and the new reading from The Invisible Committee.

Also, everyone should know that there have been rumors that Sean Swain may soon schedule an announcement of the date he is scheduled to announce that he plans to announce his candidacy for president of the United States of America! Read that, here:

Trainwreck Trevor and Swintec Typewriter Expecting First Child Together

ODRC Counsel Trainwreck Trevor and the Swintec typewriter he seized from Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain are happy to announce that they are expecting the birth of their first child together. They have been in an intimate relationship since 2012 when Trainwreck first took the typewriter from Swain and has refused to return it. Not only will this be the first child that Trainwreck and the typewriter have had together, it is also the first reported offspring resulting from the joining of someone ostensibly human and an appliance. Until this event, all prior appliances were manufactured rather than bred. As the child of this union will be the first of its kind, it is unknown whether it will take on the traits of its appliance parent or take on the sociopathic fuckweasel traits of its ostensibly-human parent, or whether it will be some monstrous hybrid. At its birth, Trainwreck will be poised to smash it with a rock, just in case– as he was at the birth of all of his previous children with ostensibly-human mothers. Trainwreck first started his relationship with the Swintec typewriter after being shunned by all of the women of Moundsville, West Virginia, who themselves reported a preference for appliances over Trainwreck. Trainwreck is the first carbon-based life form with male genitalia to ever be shunned by ALL of the women of Moundsville. Trainwreck and the typewriter plan to name their child, “Qwerty.” To congratulate the expecting couple, call (614) 752-1765.

Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain for President?

jeb swainIn 2014, when the Ohio Secretary of State refused to conduct a hand count to tally the write-in votes, Sean declared himself “Governor in Exile.” He was sworn in by fellow prisoners in a ceremony at Ohio’s super-max, and immediately issued several Executive Orders that, if carried out by the poor, deluded hierarchs, would have abolished the State of Ohio and returned the land to the Native American tribes that legally own it. He then submitted his resignation.
Recently, it was rumored that a committee was assembled to determine whether there is national support for the total abolition of the government of the United States. After extensive polling and research, that committee determined that the vast majority of U.S. voters would whole-heartedly reject the entire platform of a Sean Swain candidacy.
An insider close to the Governor in Exile claims that the conclusions of this exploratory committee persuaded Sean to run.
He is now rumored to be drawing posters and formulating a campaign platform that will appeal to a coalition of “nihilists, hatchet-wielding maniacs, and cannibals.”
An aide to the Governor in Exile, when asked if a potential run for president would simply be a political theater stunt designed to diminish the prestige of western democracy, said, “Yeah, probably so.” When asked if Sean Swain really believed he could win the election, the aide responded, “Fuck, no.”
Sean Swain is scheduled to announce the date he is scheduled to announce that he plans to announce his candidacy.

JPay Negligence Creates Tensions in Maximum Security Prison

jpaygreatthreatAt the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, four of the six JPay kiosks available to the maximum security prison population remain broken. This leaves two kiosks available for use to hundreds of prisoners attempting to upload music, send out emails, and produce video messages– all in a timeframe that was never long enough when all of the kiosks were operational.
The limited kiosk access has created a kind of “Mad Max” scenario where maximum security prisoners, none of whom were sent here for their gentle dispositions or excessive empathy, struggle and claw for access time. In some blocks, this has led to gang rivalries, as some otherwise inactive gang members have united to monopolize the kiosks and guarantee their own access.
For anyone witnessing these evolving tensions and hostilities, it is perfectly predictable that JPay negligence in failing to repair kiosks will soon lead to prisoners fighting, stabbing, and killing each other. In short, JPay is reasonably the greatest threat to internal security in Ohio prisons.
Anyone wanting to save lives can contact JPay and demand that they repair the four broken kiosks at Southern Ohio Correctional Facility:
Telephone: (855) 445-5729
Direct: (954) 862-6900, ext. 3016

Swain’s Sworn Statement Proves prison Officials Illegally Targeted Swain’s Legal Mail to Federal Court

mail monkeyYou would think that people who are so practiced in criminal shenanigans would sooner or later get good at it.
Apparently not.
With a civil action pending against them, prison officials repeatedly and provably delayed the processing of Sean Swain’s outgoing legal mail– not just for a day or two, but for a whole week –while Sean’s non-legal mail, SOMETIMES MAILED THE VERY SAME DAY, was processed without any delay at all. The only explanation is that prison officials specifically sought to disrupt Sean’s communications to the Court… right after blocking his effort to transmit an open letter attempting to persuade whomever posted Judge Benita Pearson’s home address online to delete the posting.
Sean suggests that prison officials obstructed his mail to an effort to prevent him from potentially revealing the real source of that anonymous posting: Prison officials.
“They wanted to get a liberal democrat removed from the case so they threw Judge Pearson under the bus,” Sean said. “And they didn’t know how much I know. So, to avoid exposure, they delayed and illegally steamed open my mail to federal court– to see what I was saying.”
At the same time, as Sean can prove, his non-legal mail was processed without delay, shown by the prison’s own documents.
“Non-legal mail took one day to process. Legal mail to court mailed the same day took eight,” Swain said. “To quote Dylan, ‘It don’t take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.'”
To get investigators to search the hard drives of prison officials’ home computers for evidence that they anonymously posted Judge Pearson’s address, contact the FBI:
Cleveland Field Office: (216) 522-1400
Columbus Field Office: (614) 224-1183

The content of Sean Swain’s sworn statement sent to the federal court follows…

I, Sean Swain, being duly sworn according to law, hereby depose to state:
1. I am the Plaintiff in the above-captioned case and I am competent to testify to the facts related herein, to which I have direct knowledge.
2. On 11 June 2015 and again on 5 July 2015, during a period when my communications mediums were irregularly blocked and I was unaware if my regular mail was leaving the prison, I fashioned sworn statements for mailing to the U.S. District Court. Those mailings, due to the bulk of pages, required additional postage.
3. As per practice, I attached a DRC Form 1004 to those mailings in order to consent to removal of funds from my account to pay for the additional postage.
4. I attach hereto copies of DRC Form 1004. These are marked as Exhibits A, B, C, and D. These documents are true and accurate copies of the originals.
5. On 6 June 2015, I submitted two DRC Form 1004s for extra postage. Those documents are Exhibit A, attached. As indicated by the mailroom stamp in the bottom right corners of those forms, those items of mail were processed on 9 June 2015, a delay of just three days.
6. Exhibit B is a copy of my DRC 1004 for postage to the Clerk of the U.S. District Court. It was submitted as indicated on 11 June 2015 and was processed according to the mailroom stamp on 19 June 2015, a delay of eight days. It therefore took the mailroom five additional days to process legal mail than it took to process non-legal mail which was mailed in the same general period of time.
7. On 5 July 2015, the same date that I submitted my second mailing to the U.S. District Court, I submitted non-legal mail to Ben Turk and others. The non-legal mailings’ DRC 1004s appear as Exhibit C. As indicated by the mailroom stamp on those forms mailings were processed the following day, 6 July 2015.
8. Exhibit D is the DRC 1004 for the legal mail to the U.S. District Court. It was submitted 5 July 2015 and was not processed until 13 July 2015, eight days later. It took the Southern Ohio Correctional Institution mailroom an additional week to process legal mail than it took to process non-legal mail submitted the same day.
9. It would seem, given the inexplicable and specific harassment of legal mail, I could faster convey my communications to the Court if I directed them to my friend in France and had her re-mail my communications to the Court in Cleveland than if I mail legal mail to the Court directly.
10. I am reasonably certain that defendants, with a straight face, will assert that this is not harassment.
I sign this declaration pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1746.

Sean Swain, Plaintif

Shitville Mailroom Monkey Shenanigans Continue

In late May, Luke Romano of the kick-ass radical band Ramshackle Glory ordered two CDs online and had them sent to me. He did this while gearing up to record a new album and head out on tour, so he was working some shit jobs washing dishes and bussing tables– and he took the time and money to get me two CDs.
When they arrived here in Shitville, the mailroom monkeys sent me a Notice of Withholding. I didn’t receive the CDs that Luke bussed tables to send me.
Normally, music is gigged due to content. Some prisons, even a passing reference to drug use is enough to get music banned. I’ve seen where mailroom Nazis have banned music that plays regularly on the radio. Most recently, since 2012, they often target music for exclusion that JPay offers on their MP3, forcing prisoners to get JPay rich if we want to listen to music.
But, with these two CDs from Luke, it wasn’t the content, but where the CDs were purchased. The mailroom monkeys said the CDs did not come from “an approved vendor.”
Now, a quick civics lesson for context: The Ohio Constitution empowers the Ohio General Assembly to pass laws. Included in those laws are statutes called THE OHIO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (OAC). This OAC governs how Ohio’s agencies operate. OAC section 5120-9-19 governs compact discs and printed materials.
Know what that section says about “approved vendors”? It doesn’t say dick. There IS no “approved vendor” requirement. The Shitville mailroom just made it up.
So, in a kite exchange with these shitheads, I tried to explain that there is no LEGAL provision for withholding and imposing an “approved vendor” requirement. They can’t just create their own standards.
They responded that they only accept CDs from 5 distributors of their choosing.
I asked them BY WHAT AUTHORITY they are fabricating a list of approved and unapproved vendors when the statute they must follow says nothing about giving them that latitude.
Their response was that they do not allow CDs from Amazon. And that response really doesn’t answer my question. Not only that, but only one of the two CDs came from Amazon anyway.
So, to avoid the destruction of the CDs, I opted to send the CDs out at my own expense– one of the options I can check on the form. I signed the cash slip to pay for postage. I included a letter. And I filled out the address on the envelope– Central Office Screening Committee.
See, the Screening Committee oversees printed materials and compact discs. The Chief Inspector, Roger Wilson, runs the committee.
What I was essentially doing, I was blowing the whistle on the Shitville mailroom. I was letting central office know that the procedure being followed was totally bogus. That was early June.
So, late June, early July, the mailroom returns the paperwork and cash slip to me. My outgoing mail, sitting in the mailroom for weeks, still had not gone out. So, I sent the paperwork to them again.
Essentially, the situation is this: Aaron Satterfield, the Shitville mail clerk, is simply holding my mail hostage. I properly designated the CDs for mailing out, I signed a cash slip to pay for postage, and I addressed an envelope for the CDs to be mailed in. So, what’s the fuckin’ problem? Apparently, this Satterfield shithead believes HE can decide where my property is allowed to go or not go, and what postage I can or cannot buy with my own funds.
Not only does he assume authority to amend the statutes regarding the source of my music, but he also assumes the authority to decide who I may or may not send mail to. Apparently, they have to change their forms to reflect the option, “mail out to anyone that Aaron Satterfield wants you to send mail to…”
Satterfield can be reached at (740) 259-5544. Ask what his demands are for releasing the outgoing mail of mine that he’s illegally holding hostage…
* * *

Mailroom fascists reserve the right to create their own laws regarding the allowable sources for the music you purchase. Without the authority of the Ohio legislature, the mailroom fascists have declared that you have a duty to get one or more of the following five distributors rich. You are ONLY permitted to buy music from the following, even though those who write the rules for the mailroom monkeys know absolutely NOTHING about such restrictions:
1. WalMart
2. Music by Mail
3. Best Buy
4. Access
5. Union Supply
So, when sending CDs, they should appear to come from those sources, with a return address from those companies, and should have an invoice from one of the above. This is necessary until Representative Sandra Williams is informed that mailroom monkeys have assumed the powers reserved for the legislature and puts these geniuses in their place.

Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain’s Communications Resume: Gunshots and Splatter Patterns Signal Fuckweasel Displeasure.

 After two months of unsuccessfully silencing Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain, the ODRC Gestapo High Command relented on 14 July, restoring Sean’s communications. In response, Sean said, “Happy Bastille Day.”

July 14 is celebrated as Bastille Day, the anniversary of French prisoners being liberated and chopping their former captors’ heads off with the guillotine. This Bastille Day, after Sean’s communications resumed, a sizeable percentage of ODRC Gestapo Headquarters officials reportedly shot themselves in the face, opting for immediate death rather than face the prospects of Sean Swain off their leash. The suicides are unconfirmed. Sean called the response he provoked a “public service.”
Anyone wanting to call the remaining ODRC fuckweasels who apparently never got the memo can urge them to join their co-workers who already accepted the inevitable by calling them at (614) 752-1671.