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Fascism on Trial: A Reveiw of Insurgent Theatre’s Behind the Badge

bencopsmileWe are all raised in normative society to view the police as the good guys, as protection. The consistent message bombarding us from public schools and from prime-time entertainment—which is inordinately obsessed with the cop drama—is that police officers are the defenders of social order against all forms of deviance and harm. “To protect and to serve.”

But the reality is quite different. Without digressing into unnecessary statistics here, we all know that cops kill Black people at a bewildering rate and the trend continues unabated. Amadu Diallo, Michael Pipkens, Malice Green, Oscar Grant… and on and on. We’re talking about genocide here. A one-sided war being waged by the enforcers of an undeclared fascist police state, where a gang of uniformed thugs firing 137 shots into a car in Cleveland and killing two unarmed people is no longer an exception to the rule. It’s business as usual.

The unnecessary and shocking level of violence—employed with relish and excitement by the police—against the Occupy Movement across the country stands as another example that the mythology fed to american kids in classrooms across the nation is an absolute falsity. We are now confronted with an obvious situation where we are instructed at gunpoint to believe a constructed lie that defies our own experiences; we are virtually ordered to swallow this false indoctrination of law enforcement’s righteousness and service, and to ignore the contrary lessons that have been sprayed into our faces or fried into our flesh or pounded into our bones.

It is in this context that Ben Turk, a good friend of mine, has created an excellent medium for de-constructing the lie, not on some vast and complex scale, but in the example of just one cop and his seeming flow-of-consciousness monologue. It starts off, of course, as a defense of himself, his role, and the instution of law enforcement, but eventually devolves into a kind of confusion, one that offers an accurate glimpse into the psychology of the fascist enforcer. What we encounter in Ben Turk’s play is more than entertainment; it is the personification of the fascist pathology, the sickness not just of the individual fascist pig, but the infection that constitutes the very foundation of law enforcement as an institution, and of hierarchy itself.

By the end of this masterful deconstruction, Ben Turk’s Officer Lance Mead cannot hide the sickness from us nor from himself. He can only be understood as a human turned agent, an agent turned tool-of-violence, with all the consequences that result from such an unnatural modification of a human being.

So we are left with some interesting questions which may or may not have answers. To what degree is the cop responsible, as a volunteer, as a moral agent, for allowing the State to turn hi m into an instrument of State violence? That is, to what degree is Lance Mead responsible for his own dehumanization? And, on the flipside of that, to what degree is Lance Mead the victim of economic forces that compel him to accept a role as a fascist enforcer, in order to feed his family.

What ultimate good and what ultimate harm can we envision for society by the creation of the Lance Meads, by the programming of enforcers who cannot imagine a world beyond the fascist police state, whose minds have been mismanaged with great skill? Do we really need them?

When I had simply read Ben Turk’s brilliant work, I was left to wonder what the monologue might sound like if the police who fired 137 shots into that car in Cleveland were to speak honestly and as openly as they are capable. What would the rambling statements sound like?

Then I had the opportunity to view a performance .

The advantage of a one-man show is that it can be performed even in the plexiglass visiting cube of a supermaximum facility’s visiting room. For the purposes of the performance by default, I became the silent “suspect” that serves as Lance Mead’s sounding board, the inexpressive “other” that provokes Mead’s rambling monologue by maintaining a continued silence.

Ben Turk does not so much portray Lance Mead as he assumes the persona; seeing this up close and personal in a visitation booth, I noted the impressive details: The tremors in his voice when upset; the shaking of his hands when opening his wallet to extract a family photo; the flaring of the nostrils, curling of the lip as if involuntary, and dilation of the pupils when he’s angry. He brings the character to life.

This cop persona has a Boston accent. It would seem all dramatic portrayals of cops present one of three dominant accents – the Brooklyn accent, the Irish brogue of Sean Connery’s beat-cop in “The Untouchables” or the more-recently fashionable Boston accent of Donny Wahlberg and Matt Damon in “The Departed.” Lance Mead’s Boston accent is consistent throughout, and allows Ben to create a separation between the character and his own interaction with his audience during intermissions. A unique feature of this performance is that, as set intervals, the action pauses for discussion of relevant issues that arise from the character’s self-justifying monologue. In this way, the play creates an interesting forum for thought provoking exchange.

The character of Lance Mead, the cop with his self-serving obfuscations, confronts us. What must we do, collectively, to bring about a world where we are no longer terrorized by these armed instruments of state violence? What response to the cop and the institutions that rely upon him is just and fair and moral to save the lives of the next Oscar Grant, the next Malice Green, the next Michael Pipkins, the next Amadou Diallo? How do we bring about a cop-free world?

Perhaps the adage holds true:

Guns don’t kill people.

Cops do.

Save lives.

Kill cops.

If so, then Ben Turk’s principle contribution here serves that cop-killing process by first killing “the cop”—the mythology, the archetype, the lie imposed on us all—that occupies our own heads.


That’s a great start.

Against the Legitimacy of Social Sciences

A friend recently wrote and apologized for taking so long to get back with me explaining the cause of the delay to be “psychological”and “mental health” issues. I know what that means of course. People sometimes have a sense of life being overwhelming and experience difficulties, emotional trauma and conflict. When things get bad and we have trouble coping, we understand the events as involving “psychological” and “mental health” implications.

I find myself questioning this. I find myself inquiring into the legitimacy of what we now accept as the psychological and psychiatric paradigms.

But before I proceed, some disclosure: In high school and college I studied the social sciences. My degree from Ashland, I had a concentration in psychology (they did not call it a ‘major’ then) After my degree, I studied via correspondence with the Ohio University until my G.I. bill funding expired.

In short, I’m qualified to write some pop psychology self-help book to help you adjust to swivelization and delay and delay your eventual “postal” moment, when you go bonkers and shoot co-workers,or your “road rage” response where you turn some lousy, distracted driver into a mulch for cemetery grass. I could give you advice on how to live a “well adjusted”andmentally healthy” life. Continue reading

Review of Keith LaMar’s Condemned.

Dear Governor Kasich,

Please find enclosed Condemned by Keith LaMar. It was sent to me nearly a month ago so that I could write a review. It took prison officials 24 days to get it to me. I received it at mail call yesterday. I had it read in under a day, and I am now sending it to you.

If you can read this, cover to cover, without tears of rage rolling down your face, you don’t have a pulse.

Last month you praised the three women who survived the brutal captivity, held for years by Ariel Castro. You spoke passionately about their courage and heroism. Read Condemned and you’ll be convinced that Keith LaMar is just as deserving of the medals you gave those three surviving women.

Some irrefutable conclusions, upon reading Condemned: Continue reading

Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain Smuggles Communique out of Supermax Blacksite: Confirms Prison Officials are Really Really Stupid


The Oppressive Department of Retribution and Corruption (ODRC) has officially blocked my communication with the outside world, completely, silencing me indefinitely. It’s totally unprecedented. I cannot even contact my mom who just got through total hip replacement surgery.

I am cut off totally from the outside world which involves the collaboration of Jpay to block all emails and freeze all funds, and tele and Global Tele link to lock me out of the phone system. I’m the target of fascist fuckweasals and multi billion dollar corporations that seek to the plug on my involvement in “The Final Straw”radio show.

To describe this fascist, extra judicial scenario, I have to find ways to smuggle communiques out of a super maximum security facility. Fortunately, while the fuckweasels are brutal, they are not very bright. Frankly, getting this out to you was so easy, I really, I don’t feel safe with shitheads partrolling the public.

I don’t want to reveal how this got out in case I need to keep using this system- no telling how long I’ll be Blacksited, given how incredibly dangerous my own radio segments are-but once this is over,I’ll give a detailed account and we can another good round of laughter at the expense of these goof troops. Continue reading

Sean Communication Still Restricted

We are working with Sean’s Lawyer to get to the bottom of the current communication black-out. We’ve been getting rather inconsistent information from the ODRC and from the Ohio State Highway Patrol. It seems clear that Trevor Clark is, as always, trying to justify repression of Sean by claiming that his free and protected speech is a threat. Currently Sean only has access to legal phone calls (Rick hopes to talk to him soon) and snail mail.

He is not officially on hunger strike, because he doesn’t want to get thrown in seg, but says he has been throwing his food away since April 8th. We cannot verify anything about this, because the prison officials don’t have to tell us anything about unofficial hunger strikes.

You can call ODRC Legal Services at 614-752-1765 and ask to talk to Trevor Clark and demand that the end the communication ban and let sean out of supermax isolation. Below is a message from Sean connecting the OSHP involvement back to gov Kasich.

Or you can just send Sean a letter of support.

Message from Sean:

“11th of April I am hopped up on coffee and I am not really hungry. My experience after 3 days you stay hydrated and you do not really feel hunger.

In the meantime I learned Ohio State Highway patrol is investigating. So that means it’s not just the gestapo, Gary Croft and the ODRC. My guess is that Jwow took offense to my exposure of his German Shepard and fireworks, Fetish behind the Masonic Temple. He’s got his trained chimpanzees burning up thousands of dollars of taxpayers money listening to radio broadcasts regulated By the FCC. I Am hoping they will keep me off the radio for a few weeks so Bursts can get volunteers to read the scripts I have sent.

It would be awesome if we could get Jeremy Hammond, or Marie Mason, or Eric McDavid or Mark Neiweem of the NATO 5….maybe all of the Cleveland 4 as guest presenters for the podcast. I have to imagine nothing gives me more credibility than this state repression. I am hoping they will write another ridiculous conduct report targeting the radio segments this time, or beat me half to death. If they were smart they would have killed me over a year ago. I can’t believe they let me live through what they did to me and then retain Richard Kerger, one of the most feared attorneys in Ohio and then they engage another round of repression that they do not even disguise. They will get tired of killing me before I get tired of dying.

Anyone who wants Jwow to get off my back get back to the dogs and fireworks can call him at 614-466-9354. Jwow black sites political opponents instead of wrestling them. What a fuckweasel!”


Sean Responds to the Anarcho-Trolls

We sent Sean comments from his recent post to @news, and he wrote this response.


SEAN SWAIN RESPONDS: A couple of important points that need responses. In “De Mystifying”I concluded the US would not carpet bomb its own cities, not because the government if beneficent- it isn’t I believe US pilots ordered to bomb a US city where the pilots family lives,and would be more likely to bomb the White House instead. Also,based on the fear of that being true,the government would never roll those dice .A second issue is the irrational premise that irregular warfare can only be employed by authorizing specifically. Marxist-Leninist : Spartacus led a guerrilla war against the Roman Empire, using strategies learned from the “ barbarian slaves.” It was the greatest slave revolt in history and Spartacus was not a Marxist-Leninist. Also the Shawnee organized a federation of tribes that employed strategies and tactic of guerrilla warfare with great success until the federation unraveled for reasons NOT related efficacy of their approach. Later, the Lakota defeated the US Army in 3 consecutive engagements using guerrilla strategies and tactics, something the Vietcong (who were Marxist-Leninsts) cold not do. Later still, the Chihuahua Apache waged a decades long guerrilla war against the colonizer. If you have to be an authoritarian and a Marxist-Leninist to be an effective guerrilla, clearly Tecumseh, Crazy Horse and Guantanamo never got the memo. Marx never so much as mentioned guerrilla warfare. Lenin never used it . The strategy preceded both of them.

Never forget, contrary to the official story, Lakota women killed General Custer with frying pans. Emulate them.



Sean Swain (the fucking “wingnut”who believes rifles will still fire even if its not a Marxist-Leninist pulling the trigger.)

Retaliation for getting a lawyer- CALL ODRC.

It has become clear that the ODRC is messing with Sean’s ability to communicate. This is very likely a retaliatory attempt to obstruct his ability to sue their pants off. Below find a message from him about the phone restriction. Supporters have been calling since Sunday about the Jpay email restriction. It seems both originated with Cheif Inspector Gary Croft.

We were unable to reach Gary Croft today, but hope to try again tomorrow. Sean encourages other supporters to also call Croft and demand that he return Sean’s access to these forms of communication. This morning Sean started dumping his meals down the toilet, on an unofficial hunger strike (since official hunger strikers who refuse meals are often punished).

Please call Gary Croft at 614-752-1677.

The message from Sean:

On April 6 I put Attorney Richard Kerger’s phone # on my phone list. Next attempt to call, my PIN # was suspended, locking me out of the phone system entirely. [Sean might not realize it, but the ODRC has also restricted Sean from receiving Jpay emails]. When I notified Global Tel Link, I received a response that my PIN is suspended per “operations support center, chief inspector’s office.” The chief inspector is Gary Croft. His job is to answer grievance appeals, not harass my communication. I’ve had to sue this goofball three times and while the last lawsuit was pending, he was named to the parole board to give me 5 years, then went back to chief inspector. Now, he has cut off my outside communication just when I got an attorney and can sue them successfully. The Cheif Inspector can be reached at (614) 752-1677.
I ate my last meal, dinner April 8th. I’m not hungerstriking, as I don’t want [to be] stuck in a strip cell and fucked around. But, the world knows I’m not eating and I won’t be- I’ll be flushing my food until my communication is resumed and the call I missed this past weekend is provided to me.
The more people who contact Gestapo Gary and demand he stop fuckweaseling me, the better. Please feel free to post and re-post everywhere. My concern is that the fascists, who haven’t done such a whizbang job running the prisons now want to control what you read and hear and know. Nothing they “regulating” by stopming on well-established political speech in a public forum is related in any way to a legitimate penological interest. They want to exterminate ideas, free thought.
I don’t think they’ve thought this through… But I have… So stay tuned.
Freedom or Death,

Sean Swain

Most Stalwart Anarchist Prisoner 2013

Sean won an Anarchist News award!

We are increasingly doing a good job at supporting self identified anarchist prisoners. Action in the street means bodies and jails and part of the reason why our energy is low after Occupy in 2011 is because of how many of our people either suffered at the tender mercies of the state or had to bail out others who were. But all of these were short timers.

A stalwart anarchist prisoner is one who continues the fight on the inside. This may not look Berkman’s prison journals or Daniel McGowan taking heat for having an opinion but it will probably look like being a big inconvenience to the bureaucracy of the establishment that you inhabit and looking good while doing it.

While we have an increasing number of long-term anarchist prisoners entering the system including the depressing a terrifying case in Cleveland Four who will probably remain inside for the rest of their natural lives there stay is just beginning. Sean Swain on the other hand, was the winner of our award for most stalwart prisoner and already been inside for 20 years. He is associated with the prison group the Army of the 12 monkeys [editor’s note- Sean denies any involvement with A12M, @news (the original authors of this piece) only associates him with them because the ODRC has (erroneously) convicted him of infractions relating to A12M]  and is running for governor of Ohio in 2014 as an anarchist.

Here is his platform

What is an anarchist engagement? I ask because I’m running for Ohio Governor in 2014 as a write in candidate from Ohio’s super-duper-uber-mega ultramax facility.

Yeah, I know.Your thinking, ‘Running for office is not anarchist-it’s reformist at best’ and thinking ‘A prisoner getting elected?’ And you likely conclude, this is all just further evidence-as if we need more-that Sean Swain is a wing nut. I would say that this is further proof that I’m brilliant and completely misunderstood- thats my story and I’m sticking to it.

I’ve been told that by running for Governor, I’m promoting the idea that reformist ballots are the answer-registering to vote, voting and all the hierarchical implications that that entails. I’ve been told that we need revolution, not diversions into electoral wheel-spinning,and that I’m doing a disservice promoting the idea that elections can be a solution.

Okay, now consider:

It’s not my goal to become Ohio Governor so that I can maintain the state. I’m openly and admittedly an anarchist and I’M running as an anarchist. I’m promising that, if elected I would tear down the state and establish the Ohio Autonomous Zone.

In fact, I have a program already planned out. It’s on my website. My first day in office, I would empty Ohio’s prisons. I would de-commission the National Guard and I would give the weapons to the Native American tribes I would be inviting back.

According to the Treaty of Greenville, they still own this territory. So it’s not exactly reparations for the genocide they experienced, but I’D give them the land back and a bunch of rifles and tanks and Apache attack helicopters in order to defend it.

With no budget signed-ever- no cops would get paid so there woulds be nobody standing between us chasing the banksters and crapitalists out of here with torches and pitchforks-like they have deserved for centuries.We could then export revolution from the Ohio Autonomous Zone.

Thats my plan. And to get elected, I propose that Anarchists and malcontents from all over the country converge on Ohio, squat here, establish residency, register to vote, and get me elected. By my math, if just a million people migrate to Ohio and vote for me, I’d win the election and implement my plan.
To me, that’s clearly an anarchist outcome-destruction of the State, elimination of the system of crapital self-rule. But fellow anarchists tell me this is not an anarchist engagement because the means of achieving the end (voting) are “reformist.”

So…it’s only revolutionary if you wear a ski mask while you do it? In other words, the revolutionary outcome is irrelevant; what matters is if you can look cool while doing it …and if you have to impersonate reformists in order to accomplish your goal, in order to infiltrate and topple the hierarchy, then it is better to instead sit around watching riot porn while the system grinds on and on? Does that sound right?

With what I propose, I’m not asking you to embrace electoral politics or recognize the legitimacy of the state. Elections and the State are bullshit. I’m asking you to recognize a glitch permanent joyride. I’m not asking you to install me in office. I’m asking you to load me into the chamber and fire me into the brain pan of the state.

Question: do the “ends” justify the “means,”does an engagement that leads to an anarchist outcome makes that engagement anarchist even if it would otherwise be seen as reformist? I say, Fuck,yes. And it’s a stupid question! If toppling the State required me to stand in toilet water firing Roman candles out of my ass and playing the Star Spangled Banner through a Kazoo, I would happily do it. If it means posing as a deluded hierarch and pulling a lever on an election machine I would do that too.

It’s not the tactics that make it anarchist. It’s the end result. I’m Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner and candidate for Ohio Governor in 2014 from Ohio supermax facility and I approve this message.

The Right To Rule

Transcript of Radio Essay originally appearing on The Final Straw.

Where does the “right to rule” come from?

I look at this vast, complex system created by poor deluded hierarchs and I see that we have those who rule-the ones Occupy called the 1%; and then there are the rest of us, the stone draggers, the ones who are ruled.
It makes me wonder where the “right to rule” comes from? Certainly such a thing has to exist. Right? What I mean is, those who rule us; kings and presidents and the corporate executives who write all their policies, lawmakers judges and cops. They give the orders, and we obey.
Where does it come from? Are they born with it? Are their two kinds of babies that come into the world, one kind that has the right, not only to rule themselves, but to rule others; and another kind far more numerous, thats born without even the right to rule themselves?
I wonder how we tell it apart, this special specie oh human who has the right to rule. Perhaps its shoe size or eye color or maybe we have to analyze the shapes of our craniums. Could be astrology. It’s certainly not brains and ability. Look at George Dubya, Sara Palin, ODRC Director Gary Mohr who sent me to the supermax facility to silence me.
These aren’t exactly exceptional specimens.But they assume ‘the right to rule.’
This right to rule has to come from somewhere , or it doesn’t exist,and if it doesn’t exist, then no human being has any right to be obeyed, has any right to order and compel the obedience of any other human being.If the right to rule doesn’t come from somewhere, if it doesn’t exist, then there is only one specie of human, not true, and that means we are all created equal-just like that hypocrite slave owner Thomas Jefferson said.
And if this right to rule at the very foundation of hierarchy is only a myth, only as real as magical beans and faerie dust, then poor deluded hierarchs are imposing a 6,000 year old fraud. Their whole system is a lie. No one has the right to rule.
That means we have a vast system designed to keep all of us under control while a small group of privileged elite exploit all of us, making us do the sweating and bleeding and dying, while they laugh at us behind our backs.They sell us on the myth of the right to rule….we’re enslaved to something no more real than magical beans and faerie dust.
Poor deluded hierarchs might say that the right to rule comes from the consent of the governed, that we vote and give permission to our rulers to rule us. Those who assume the right to rule certainly tell us that. They create billion dollar systems called schools where we are mandated to go,where we are told over and over that we give permission to our rulers to rule us, and that we are the source of the right to rule.
It takes twelve years of telling us that lie over and over again before we’re incapable of questioning it.
But this “consent of the governed ”argument that voters are the source of a rulers right to rule doesn’t really explain anything. It just transfers the problem. Now instead of asking what gives the ruler the right to rule,we have to ask what gives that voter the right to rule by proxy.What gives those voters the right to impose their ruler on others, while others lack even the right to rule themselves?
What gives anyone the right to rule, even by proxy, through a choice of ruler designee,and take from you and me even our rights to rule ourselves.Where does it come from, this right to rule, that voters imagine they have?
If it doesn’t originate from anywhere,when we are back to the right to rule being a myth.Magical beans and faerie dust. A 6,000 year old swindle that robs us of our freedom, our right to rule ourselves, while a select few benefit from our collective enslavement…to a provable lie at the very heart of hierarchy.
I say it’s a provable fact the right to rule does not exist. That means noone has the right to give orders to anyone else.That means there is no such thing as legitimate authority-not presidents, not law makers, not judges or cops. We’re all captives of a mass delusion, programmed to accept it, forcibly indoctrinated to internalize a pathology built on a lie–suffering a mass mental illness called hierarchy. And once you see the right to rule is a myth, you can never go back to your assigned seats.

This is anarchist prisoner Sean Swain from Ohio’s supermax facility, if your listening,you are the resistance!