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swearOriginally aired on The Final Straw

Hear the actual (fake) press conference here.

PRESS SECRETARY: If members of the press would please be seated… My name is Umar Al-Haq, Press Secretary for Ohio Governor-in-Exile Sean Swain.
The Governor-in-Exile celebrated his inauguration on January 12th with a ceremony here in A-block. After taking the oath of office, the Governor-in-Exile signed 7 executive orders he will describe for you shortly. Invited guests then celebrated with a main course of nachos, with a choice of soda or Kool-Aid. No prison staff attended.
The Governor-in-Exile will now make a brief statement but will not be fielding any questions.
Ohio Governor-in-Exile Sean Swain…

SEAN SWAIN: Thank you.
I would like to preface my press statement with a reminder that the State is a swindle, authority sucks, and obedience is boring.
I ran for Ohio Governor on the promise of abolishing the S that we would all have the chance to dance naked around a bonfire where the Ohio Statehouse used to be. When I insisted on being included in the debates, both corporate candidates, for the first time in history, agreed to NOT have any debates. Both the democrat and republican hierarchs feared the powerful ideas of an anarchist.
Relegated a write-in candidate, my votes were never counted and despite the fact that JWow Kasich was declared the winner by his hierarch friends who swap dogs with him behind the Masonic Lodge, I never conceded the election. As mentioned, while this fraudulent pretender JWow was sworn in, I too was sworn in, right here in A-block. Consistent with my campaign promises, I immediately signed 7 executive orders, which I will describe briefly. These orders will be scanned and available at My cabinet will be providing copies of these orders to Ohio lawmakers and Supreme court judges so they can recognize ME as the REAL governor and abide by my legally-binding executive orders.
Isn’t this great fun?
So, as to the orders I signed, all of them are perfectly legal and become effective after 30 days, on February 11th. I ordered the Ohio prison system emptied and turned into squats. I made every day of the calendar year a state holiday, so no one will ever go to work. I de-commissioned the national guard and ordered all their weapons turned over to the Native American tribes who legally own Ohio according to the Treaty of Greeneville. I ordered the State of Ohio dissolved and the Statehouse burned to the ground.
On February 11th, anyone claiming to exercise authority as a state official may be “shot, stabbed, hanged, impaled, beheaded, dismembered, drowned, shot from a cannon, lit on fire, run down with a motor vehicle of any variety, ground to pieces in a wood chipper or similar device, bludgeoned, dropped from extreme heights, and/or subdued upon train tracks to be hit by a train.” I specified that anyone claiming authority after February 11th may be killed AND eaten.
No sense letting all that meat go to waste.
Henry David Thoreau, a famous dead guy, once wrote, “‘That government is best which governs not at all;’ and when men(sic) are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have.”
I agree. I say, let’s roll that beautiful bean footage, and let’s see what happens.
Of course, the United States is going to have to cut one of those stars off of their flag, and we’ll need volunteers to dig up all the federal highways and give the United States their pavement back.
We’re going to be the first area in the last 6,000 years of dystopic swivelization to brag 100% unemployment. Our closest competitor will be the Republic of Haiti. All the slaves dragging stones up the sides of the pyramids in the states that surround us will see how much fun we’re having and they’ll topple their masters too. The hierarch delusion will be exposed for the false mythology that it really is and obedience to tyrants wil be a nightmare of the past. We’ll swim and forage during the day and at night we’ll dance around bonfires lit with useless paper currency. We’ll scare the kids with the story of swivelization, just to make sure they never repeat THAT mistake.
And if anyone attempts to impose their will on the rest of us, they can end up on a spit over the fire just like the last crew of tyrants we shrugged off.
February 11th. There’ll be a 2-11 in progress. We’ll steal back the future, dissolve the state, and, weather permitting, dance naked around that bonfire where the Ohio Statehouse used to be.
This is Ohio Governor in Exile Sean Swain from Ohio’s supermax facility. If you’re listening, you ARE the resistance…
* * *

Fuckweasels Answer 12 Monkey Lawsuit… sort of.

clarkOn 09 December 2014, the fascist fuckweasels of the Ohio Department of Retribution and Correction “answered” the civil rights complaint filed by Sean Swain’s counsel, Richard Kerger. These fuckweasels, including Director “Gestapo Gary” Mohr and Staff Counsel “Trainwreck Trevor” Clark, were accused of conspiring to frame Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain with 12 Monkey involvement in order to silence his constitutionally-protected speech.
Their “answer” was filed by Assistant Attorney General Thomas C. Miller, chief of the State-Terror Defense Bureau. You can read it here:  answer. In the one country with more lawyers per capita than any other, with vast industries created to support lawyers, Tom Miller couldn’t find a REAL job so he now works as a bottom-feeder defending fuckweasels who torture and terrorize prisoners for “ideological” offenses. Continue reading

Luke O’Donovan

lukeFirst aired on The Final Straw.

In the area of gay rights, the United States feels like it’s made great strides. As a nation, the U.S. is pretty self-congratulatory. In the last Olympics, you had a whole contingent of gay former athletes dispatched to Russia in order to send a “message” to Vladimir Putin about his homophobic laws. On the heals of that, gay marriage is now legal, allowing people of all sexual orientations to promise lifelong commitments that will make them as miserable as heterosexuals have historically been. And, of course, you’ve got Mitch and Cam on the sitcom “Modern Family” to remind us how far we have come from the Stonewall Riots. So, the U.S. is engaged in one big, happy group hug to celebrate our inclusiveness.
Okay. So, what about Luke O’Donovan? Continue reading

Los Zapatistas

Originally aired on The Final Straw

This past January 1st marked the 21st anniversary of the Zapatistas’ emergence. On New Year’s Day, 1994, masked guerrillas, some carrying wooden rifles, descended from the foggy mist of the Lacandon Jungle in southern Mexico. They called themselves, pardon the accent, El Ejercito Zapatista Liberacion de Nacional– the Zapatista National Liberation Army.
They took their name from Mexican Revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, who was betrayed and assassinated in the Revolution of 1914– his assassination marking a pivotal turning point. The ruling elite recuperated the revolution, and for 80 years continued to push the poor and indigenous off of their lands– all in the name of progress and profit.
Then, the same day that NAFTA came into effect, Zapatista rebels swept down out of the mountains, seized 12 towns, shot the corrupt officials, and chased off the predatory landlords. And then, in a masterful strategy, they held a press conference. Continue reading

2015 is the Year

From the EF! Newswire.

So, check it out. I’m hopped up on coffee. A lot of it. I’m going to try to continue to combine nouns and verbs in each of the sentences that follow, but I can’t make any promises.

2015 is the year that swivilization—this oppressive death machine—is going to grind to a halt. We can resolve to make it happen, not in some distant and nebulous future but right now… our every act of resistance, small daily acts in pulling the proverbial fire alarms, can accumulate into one massive clusterfuck. Continue reading

Re-Launch of Fire to the Prisons.

In early 2011, a fire went out. We got so caught up in all of the hectic shit going on, we forgot to keep that fire going. So, it burned down and burned out.

That really sucks, because this particular fire burned red hot and shed a lot of light on a dark, dark world. In its absence, that dark world hasn’t gotten any brighter. Swivelization is still slowly grinding all of us down.

So, it’s really heartening that a small conspiracy of unswivelized savages want to get that fire going again, and have invited the rest of the world to help stoke it and keep it burning. If we all pitch in and gather up bits of fuel to keep the fire burning, we can collectively build a blazing, raging bonfire that spreads and consumes everything… Banks, statehouses, WalMarts, malls, frankenfood factories, torture mills… The entire infrustructure of swivelization’s inimical system is a veritable tinderbox. Continue reading

Debate About ISIS

One of the contributors to this site disagreed with Sean’s dispatch on ISIS, which kicked off a debate that Sean is requesting be made public. So, here goes…

TW for sexual assault, mansplaining, and discussions of war, colonialism and Freud.

Read Sean’s thoughts here first.

BEN: The ISIS radio essay went up on monday, I posted it, and when looking for a picture, I found one of some arab feminists bleeding and shitting on an ISIS flag, but that seemed counter to your thoughts, so instead I just posted one of Kobani fighters. I can agree that US activities created ISIS, and that the thing to do is to keep fighting the US, but I disagree with some of your views there. All states are oppressive and patriarchal, but some are more oppressive and patriarchal, and conduct themselves in different ways. I think this goes back to our disagreement about socialism and the single spectrum thing you’ve got into it with Crimethinc about. If we agree that there’s a simple single spectrum (which I don’t, but for reasons of argument, I’ll accept it) ISIS is dragging the middle east to the fascist side of the spectrum, they’re emboldened and empowered by US activities (possibly on purpose, cuz the US likes to see Muslims kill each other) the Kurds in Kobani are clearly pulling to the other side- from the interviews I’ve heard, their systems and ideas would be wholly rejected as liberal and ultimately statist if people in western anarchist communities proposed them.

The question for me is: which side is more likely to tip the state over and allow total liberation? Some people think a super authoritarian fascist state provokes angry rebellion, while democracy and socialism foster dependence and acceptance of the state, therefore, let the state get brutal.

Continue reading


body camFirst aired on The Final Straw.

In the wake of the murders of Mike Brown and Eric Garner, which occurred in the wake of the murders of Oscar Grant and Amadou Diallo, which occurred in the wake of thousands of other murders committed by law enforcement going all the way back to the lynchings of escaped slaves– there’s now a national call to equip all law enforcement with body cams. Body cams… The idea, of course, is that we can use the technology of the digital surveillance state to spy on police and keep them honest. If we compel all law enforcement to wear body cameras they cannot turn off, the argument goes, the police will behave better and, even when they don’t, the video evidence will expose them and we can then weed out the bad apples.
If I remember right, that was the argument for installing cruiser cameras. Those are ubiquitous now. Police cruisers routinely have dash-cams. And yet, on November 29, 2012, over 60 Cleveland police cruisers took part in a car chase that ended with 13 officers firing 137 shots into the unarmed bodies of Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell. Even though, conceivably, we have 60 different angles to watch the grisly slaughter, that didn’t stop Cleveland Police Officer Michael Brelo from jumping on the hood of the bullet-riddled vehicle and unloading on unarmed civilians right through the windshield.
Continue reading

A12M Update and Fuckweaselry at OSP

Update on the A12M Frame Up
The state has filed an answer to the lawsuit, which far as we can tell, summarily denies every allegation without evidence or argument, claims that Sean is not allowed to sue them, and requests that the court charge Sean extra fees for even trying. At the same time, the paralegal at OSP is making up reasons to not give Sean access to legal materials he needs to work on his response. A total coincidence, we’re sure. See Sean’s correspondence below for details on that.

In summary, the prisoncrats are scared, belligerent and desperate. As usual.

Wanna help ratchet up the pressure?

If so, you can:
1. Call OSP at 330-743-0700 and request to speak with Darnell Brady, politely ask them why Sean is being denied access to legal materials while working on a lawsuit against the ODRC.
2. Call the Warden at the above number plus extension 2600 and politely ask why Darnell Brady is refusing to give legal materials to prisoners. Remind the Warden that he and other OSP staff are currently not parties in Sean’s lawsuit, because, up until this point, we don’t have evidence that they have participated in the coordinated targeting and violation of Sean’s rights.
3. Call the ODRC legal services boss Stephen Gray and politely ask him (or his secretary) if Trevor Clark, the key orchestrator of  repression against Sean Swain is still working there. If they say “yes,” then ask “why?”  Stephen’s number is 614-752-1765.
4. Contact the Ohio Attny General, (614) 466-4986 and politely request that they demonstrate the thinnest pretense of  respecting constitutional rights or the rule of law by getting their pants sued off fair and square. Tell them that you enjoy the game where we pretend this is a democratic country and that, by breaking all the rules of that game they are making your feelings hurt. If they ask what you’re talking about, you can say something like… “well, everything you do really, but particularly how you’re cheating at SWAIN v MOHR, ET AL. Case #4:14-cv-02074.”

Whatever you do, don’t email anything unpleasant to from an anonymous email account. That would be rude, and we know the rules of the game are we’ve always gotta be polite while communicating with our oppressors.

Enjoy Sean’s correspondence on the subject… Continue reading

The Islamic State

First aired on The Final Straw

I’ve given a lot of thought to the issue of the Islamic State militants. Everyone in the world seems to have an opinion on this. The general consensus is that the Islamic State is violent, brutal, oppressive, patriarchal and sectarian. The general consensus is that they need to be stopped. Having an opinion on this seems to be the thing to do, so let me open my big mouth.
Anonymous issued a statement opposed to the Islamic State back in June. They pointed out that these militants have highjacked the idea of what Islam is, excluding all who disagree with them. Anonymous deferred to a cleric who issued a fatwah against the Islamic State.
I’ve got an issue with that. By deferring to a fatwah issued by a cleric, Anonymous is saying it’s okay for Muslims to kill Muslims who kill Muslims. This approach is exactly the problem. For decades, outside interests cheer on “good” Muslims to exterminate “bad” Muslims and, of course, these various outside interests always find a cleric’s fatwah to justify the bloodbath. I would suggest to Anonymous that we need to stop participating in that.
And please don’t melt down my website.
Look, the emergence of the Islamic State is our collective sins of the past making up for lost time. They didn’t pop up out of nowhere. These are people who grew up crawling through the rubble of U.S. extermination policy. Madeleine Albright, Clinton’s Secretary of State, told them that the murder of half a million of their children under the age of six was a small price to pay for toppling some minor despot. This is a generation that lost loved ones, autonomy, and dignity to an imperial colonizer. The group’s leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, spent time in U.S. custody and was released. One can only assume that his experience of Abu Ghraib ass-pyramids provoked his current resolve. Continue reading