Guerilla Warfare

From The Final Straw Radio


Trolls online have accused me of being both a “Marxist-Leninist” and a “vanguardist” because I defend the strategy of guerrilla warfare. Apparently it is Marxist and vanguardist to advocate strategies that work.

To be clear, I don’t advocate a strategy of exclusive guerrilla warfare. That is, I’m an insurrectionist at heart. But, I recognize that where insurrections occur, they can be carried further if a wide variety of other strategies are undertaken at the same time, like sabotage campaigns, worker strikes, and armed attacks against the enemy’s symbols of power.

For some reason, in modern times, Marxist-Leninists have cornered the market on guerrilla warfare. As a consequence, when most people think of guerrilla fighters, they imagine Marxist-Leninists with rank and hierarchy. They imagine that Fidel Castro represents every guerrilla, but that’s simply not the case.

Spartacus led the largest slave revolt in history and de-stabilized the Roman Empire, mostly relying on guerrilla strategies. American colonists revolted, using the guerrilla tactics they learned from Native Americans. The Lakota defeated the U.S. in 3 consecutive engagements using guerrilla warfare– something the Marxists of the Viet Cong couldn’t even do. So, if you have to be a Marxist-Leninist to fight in a way that works, Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, and Geronimo never got the memo.

Why is it that Marxist-Leninists cornered the market on guerrilla warfare? Clearly, they’re better at having fun than we are.

And that takes us to the vanguardist argument. As that argument goes, being a guerrilla requires certain skills that everyone doesn’t have, and it requires firearms that everyone doesn’t own. So, those who participate in guerrilla warfare, the argument goes, become a power elite, a group of hot-shots with more prestige than others. Continue reading

To Our Friends

From The Final Straw Radio

The Invisible Committee published “The Coming Insurrection” in 2007, right before the entire planet erupted in insurrections– from Greece to the Arab Spring, South America to Occupy. It would seem that The Invisible Committee saw something coming that the rest of us didn’t see.

The coming insurrection arrived, and by all indications, it isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

June 2015, the Invisible Committee follows up “The Coming Insurrection” with the release of their latest: “To Our Friends.” It appears on 4 continents, translated into 8 languages. MIT Press is putting it out at a probable price of just $13.95 wherever quality books are stolen.

Someone was kind enough to forward to me an uncorrected page proof while I’m on complete communications blacksite status at a maximum security prison– again demonstrating why I don’t feel safe with these jack-wagons protecting the public. And since it’s totally impossible for me to get any communication out to the outside world, you know, like this radio segment you’re listening to RIGHT NOW, I decided to lay around for a couple of days and read this advance copy of The Invisible Committee’s latest.

Having read it, I have a prediction to make: If just half of the people who read “The Coming Insurrection” read “To Our Friends,” the entire control system that exploits us right now will collapse within 5 days. We have to give it 5 days, you know. Some people read slower than others.

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McDonalds Workers and Alabama Prisoners

From The Final Straw Radio.

I’m on a complete communications blackout, so I have access to very limited news brought to me mostly by Walt Disney News Corporation, designed to keep all of us hypnotized and under control. But, I’ve heard bits and pieces about some events that involve McDonalds’ workers and Alabama prisoners. I don’t know the details of those situations, but why should that stop me?

I think what’s transpiring with regard to McDonalds’ workers and Alabama prisoners is monumental and signals the beginning of something big. Here’s why:

In the 1990s, large corporations took advantage of international trade deals, moving jobs to locations that gave them greater advantages. They shipped U.S. jobs to Mexico, then Mexican jobs to India, then Indian jobs to China. It was a “race to the bottom.” In fact, today, manufacturing jobs aren’t located in any one country but are, instead, in a state of constant migration. There’s now such a large pool of unemployed and desperate people in the U.S. that those jobs are circling back around on a second tour, returning at sweatshop wages. All of this was driven by a larger corporate strategy, of course, as corporations amassed more wealth that translated as more power, and the rest of us were left powerless and sleeping in our cars… if we were lucky to have a car. The corporations now hold everyone hostage, making outrageous demands for tax breaks and for subsidies, for workers to take pay cuts and give up benefits… or they’ll pack up and leave for greener pastures. Continue reading

Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop!

cswsThere’s lots of new stuff at!

Want to see a basic chronology of what’s been going on in the war of attrition between Sean and certain central office fuckweasels? Look here:

How about Sean’s proposal of how to settle the A12M lawsuit before things get any more out of hand? That’s here:

Wanna see the argument Sean used to win a reduction in his security level? I think you do, it includes COs running around naked and shooting roman candles out of their ass cracks:

Sean’s most recent philosophical treatise is a twelve page deposition to the courts, in which he tries to explain anti-civ anarchism to the poor deluded hierarchs in a language they might understand. Wanna read it?

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Effective Until: PERMANENTLY!

visitation-restBen Turk received a letter from Toledo Correctional, following up on his restriction from visitation. It’s a form he received after June 10th informing him that he’s got until seven days after June 2nd to appeal his removal from BlackJack’s visitor list.

None of the other prisons in Ohio bothered to send this form, but Toledo, where Sean was held captive, beaten, and tortured years ago and is probably still known and resented seemed to relish the fact. The original letter from central office said Ben would be restricted “indefinitely” but ToCI staff used caps lock and bold to indicate that the restriction is “effective until: permanently!”

Children Draw Pictures for Sean…

drawingSome friends in Minneapolis sent Sean a handful of children’s drawings, which he then sent out to be scanned and shared with the world. Unfortunately, we never received the package. Must be some CO or inspector hates children, and creativity. Not really a big surprise.

Anyway, we do have this one drawing, it’s batman and green lantern punching cops in the butt.

If you have any young anti-authoritarian artists in your life, have them send Sean some mail! We imagine there are few things more demoralizing to the fascist fuckweasels who open and inspect all Sean’s mail than knowing that future generations hate them already. Or at least wanna see superheroes punch them in their butts.

Sean Fingers the Creator of

In a stunning turnaround, Sean Swain has decided to cooperate with the state! He has written and submitted the following declaration, in which he shares who he believes to be the author of Blast!Blog, where various fuckweasels’ private info got reposted a few weeks ago.

Click here to find out who it is! Or read the transcript below:

In the State of Ohio    )


In the County of Scioto)

I, Sean Swain, being duly sworn, hereby depose to state:

1. I am competent to testify to the facts related herein, to which I have direct knowledge. Continue reading

Cops, Guards and the 99%

billiejoeOriginally aired on The Final Straw.

A corrections officer who listens to the Final Straw broadcast religiously once told me that correctional officers are part of the 99%. You know, the 99%, that broad majority that Occupy brilliantly claimed to represent in contrast to the privileged 1%. This corrections officer made a very similar argument to the one presented by Ass-Clown, lead singer of the poser band, Green Douche. Billy Joe class traitor said police are part of the 99%.

In one sense, this is seemingly true. Cops and guards are union members. They make a wage for their labor. They live on the same streets as teachers and plumbers and sanitation workers. None of them live in lavish homes in gated communities along with the world’s ruling elite. Cops and guards, by this standard are working stiffs like everyone else.

Except they’re not.

Look, to some greater or lesser degree, we all keep the slavery system running. All of us. I get that. We’re all plugged in, forced to drag stones up the side of the pyramid for food rewards. We all work and shop and die. The system, in that sense, has all of us hugging our own chains and digging our own graves, whether we like it or not. There’s just no getting around it. Continue reading

CDs Blocked

spankyThe mailroom at SOCF is illegally and improperly preventing Sean from receiving two CDs that people sent to him. He wrote

This Open Letter

about it. If you like chatting with or otherwise bothering trifling prison fascists, give SOCF a call and demand that they let Sean get the CDs that have been sent to him.

SOCF (740) 259-5544 ask for the mailroom.

Or try Steven “Spanky” Grey in legal services at 614-752-1765 and ask if his pal Trainwreck Trevor is behind blocking up Sean’s mail, as usual.

Due to communications restrictions, we can’t copy and paste Sean’s stuff anymore. If you’d like to volunteer to transcribe this or any other scanned document on this site so we can post it in full text, please contact us at



Sean’s Deposition to the Courts

weasel courtBy know you know that Sean Swain believes in political violence, whichever way you want to define it. But, after reading this twelve page deposition to the courts, in which he attempts to convince the deluded hierarchs at the federal district court house to stop believing in civilization and other hierarchical nonsense (using poetry no less) you just may suspect he believes in writing as well.

Check it out:

Intro Letter


Full text after the jump…
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