Tag Archives: fbi

An Open Letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and The Ohio State Highway Patrol on the Return of my Typewriter… Sort Of

fbi dummyDear Fascist Fuckweasels,

Back in September 2012, prison officials dragged me away and tortured me at Mansfield Corruptional. All of you were there at the time, falling all over yourselves and kicking each other in the pants. You know, the standard circus clown-show.

So, as I got dragged away, my typewriter was seized. This typewriter was extremely significant to the 12 Monkey investigation, given that just about all of their materials were generated on a fuckin’ computer, not on a typewriter. And their materials were online, and I don’t have the internet.

Clearly, I’M the shooter in the grassy knoll…

Angela Hunsinger snagged my typewriter. She’s a fucking fascist from way back. She got through college by cashing in the gold fillings from the molars in that coffee can they found under her Austrian grandfather’s bed when he finally sputtered out. In the estate settlement, she got the molars, a riding crop, and some really exotic lampshades.
They’re as soft as a baby’s ass.
Or SEVERAL babies’ asses.
No. Really. Continue reading

Beerbong Tommy Throws JPay under the Bus, Reveals Algorithm Used by JPay to Snitch Out Prisoner Communication

jpaytrustIn a ridiculous “Opposition” filed by Beerbong Tommy, Chief of the State Terror Defense Bureau on behalf of the dozen fuckweasels who had Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain tortured and terrorized, Beerbong threw JPay Corporation under the bus. In Exhibits 5(A), 5(E), 5(F), 5(G), 5(H), and 5(K), Beerbong attached the actual communications that JPay sent to prison fascists, alerting fascists to “key” words appearing in Sean’s outgoing communication.

Based on this disclosure, it is clear that JPay Corporation employs a kind of “spy-ware” in an effort to “catch” prisoner communication that may interest the prison’s Gestapo High Command. After “sifting” prisoner communications for key words, JPay then forwards copies of prisoners’ private communications to the Gestapo.

As shown by JPay’s own documents, made public by Beerbong Tommy, the key words that were searched and found in Sean’s communication included:
escape, fence, murder, straw, fight, death, blood, police, kill, investigator, gang, assault, boss.
In this way, JPay’s snitchware serves to red-flag content of prisoners’ communication.
The identifier at the bottom of the pages reads:
“https://facility.jpay.com/MailViewLetter.aspx?lid=126177050&mailType=1&IsArchive=F…” Continue reading