Tag Archives: paul shoemaker

ODRC Counsel Trainwreck Trevor Names His Penis “Paul Shoemaker”

An internal source at ODRC Gestapo Headquarters has confirmed that Trainwreck Trevor, counsel for the fascist fuckweasels, has recently named his penis “Paul Shoemaker.” Trainwreck made the announcement during the weekly naked Twister game held in Gestapo Gary’s office.
Trainwreck Trevor has consistently harassed Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain, engaging in illegal repression. Most often, he employs his harassment by proxy, getting his co-workers sued for his shenanigans. Most recently, Trainwreck tricked Assistant Chief Inspector Paul Shoemaker into doing his dirty work, targeting Sean’s communications based on contrived “rule violations.” Continue reading

Gestapo Gary, Trainwreck Trevor, and the Whole Gang Explain Repressive Fuckweaselry to US District Judge: Beerbong Tommy Drives Little, Red Clown-Car in Circles

On 13 March, U.S. District Judge Benita Y. Pearson held a hearing for counsel to present arguments in Sean Swain’s lawsuit against the fascist state-terrorists who continue to break their own laws and block Sean’s communication, interfering with the posting of content at seanswain.org. At the end of January, Fascist Fuckweasel Paul Shoemaker, a.k.a., Sherlock Paulie SuperGenius, pulled the plug on the schedule visits between Ben Turk and Sean Swain. Sean has asserted that the fuckweasels did that to stop him from generating video at seanswain.org. In other words, they shut him down to prevent protected speech in a public forum.
They can’t do that.

They also can’t force Sean off of a hunger strike by threatening to toss him in the hole, or force him off a med strike by isolating him in the medical dungeon, or transfer him to Shitville in order to stick it to him.
So, Sean’s counsel seeks a court order to force the fuckweasels to cease the shenanigans. Continue reading

Court Docs Relating to Video Visits

1. Motion requesting temporary restraining order (TRO) filed by Sean’s lawyer.

19-1 JPay suspending videograms
19-2 Ben’s statement
19-3 Sean’s statement
19-4 Kerger’s statement
19-5 TRO (unsigned)

2. Answer to the request, filed by Ohio Assistant Attorney General Thomas Miller.

25-1 Lies
25-2 on transfer
25-3 Statement of Dr Kline
25-4 on videogram
25-5 video visits ad
25-6 videogram ad
25-7 Tibbals denies all
25-8 Statment of Paul Shoemaker
25-9 email
25-10 post
25-11 post
25-12 post
25-13 email
25-14 email
25-15 email
25-16 email
25-17 email
25-18 email
25-19 email


3. Motions about scheduling leading up to the hearing on the temporary restraining order, Fri March 13th.
14117722470 14117708105 14117721515 14117706855 14117707258