Direct Action Article in Wildfire



by sean swain

So long as oppression exists, there will be resistance – the natural response to oppression. And prison is the one place where oppressors may impose directly and intimately on every aspect of a captive’s life, so we can easily conclude that prisoner resistance will go on until some (not so distant?) future day when prisons cease to exist. The question that confronts resisting prisoners is the nature and form that resistance should take. Continue reading

Burning Down: The Songs of Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain

Listen here:

Burning Down is a collaborative music project between anarchist prisoner Sean Swain and musicians outside of prison. The lyrics to all of the songs on this album were written by Sean. The music was written and recorded by the bands, in some cases with input from Sean. As Sean is a fan of folk and punk music, bands that reflect those genres were sought for this project. If you like a particular band, there is a link to their website, bandcamp or facebook if you click on the individual track. A physical version of this compilation will eventually be released, hopefully by the end of 2015. We are still seeking interested bands. See below for information on submissions.

This project aims to support Sean and bring his lyrics to life. It also aims to provoke interest in prisoner support in general, including collaboration with prisoners on creative projects such as this. Learn more about prisoner support at the links below:

List of prisoners:
Tips for writing letters:
And in case you are wondering why we hate prisons so

For a world without cops, cages or borders!

These songs are free to download, but you can donate to Sean’s legal defense fund at his website:


If you are in a band and think this is a cool project, you can still write and submit a song to be included on this page. Sean has plenty of lyrics left that have not had music written for them. This is how it works: I have a document containing Sean’s lyrics. If you want to participate, I send you the document, you pick a song that hasn’t already been done, write music to it, record it, send it back to me, I put it up here. Really only seeking submissions from bands that have the ability to produce a decent quality recording with audible instruments, vocals, etc. If this sounds like something you’d like to do, please contact me (Luke) here:

An Open Letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and The Ohio State Highway Patrol on the Return of my Typewriter… Sort Of

fbi dummyDear Fascist Fuckweasels,

Back in September 2012, prison officials dragged me away and tortured me at Mansfield Corruptional. All of you were there at the time, falling all over yourselves and kicking each other in the pants. You know, the standard circus clown-show.

So, as I got dragged away, my typewriter was seized. This typewriter was extremely significant to the 12 Monkey investigation, given that just about all of their materials were generated on a fuckin’ computer, not on a typewriter. And their materials were online, and I don’t have the internet.

Clearly, I’M the shooter in the grassy knoll…

Angela Hunsinger snagged my typewriter. She’s a fucking fascist from way back. She got through college by cashing in the gold fillings from the molars in that coffee can they found under her Austrian grandfather’s bed when he finally sputtered out. In the estate settlement, she got the molars, a riding crop, and some really exotic lampshades.
They’re as soft as a baby’s ass.
Or SEVERAL babies’ asses.
No. Really. Continue reading

Get Trevor Clark Fired.

clarkenvelope3ODRC Legal Counsel Trevor Clark has been a thorn in Sean’s side since torture cell row at ManCI.  Back then, Sean was being tormented for leading the Army of the 12 Monkeys’ guerrilla sabotage campaign, based on no evidence other than an “ideological match.” Basically: prisoners got rowdy and the investigator, Angela Hunsinger decided, well, must be because of that anarchist and threw Sean andclarkenvelope2 a few other guys in the hole. Unfortunately for Angela, the law requires some kind of pretext before even anarchist prisoners can be subject to starvation, solitary confinement, and torture. Basing your repression on “ideological match” doesn’t leave you any wiggle room around the constitution’s defense of “free speech”.

Sean fought back, of course, and in the process of defending himself before the Rules Infraction Board, he exposed how rabidly authoritarian and out of line the prison authorities are, even by their own very low standards. He also drove Hunsinger up the wall and got her transferred to a new position at central office where she won’t be able to fuck up like this again. Meanwhile outside supporters found a left-leaning lawyer who said he’d represent Sean in the matter at a steep discount.

A few letters from that lawyer convinced the ODRC they were about to get their pants sued off because of how terribly Hunsinger had botched the investigation. Central Office sent in their clean up man: Trevor Clark. Continue reading

Hierarchs Are Crazy

koolOriginally aired on The Final Straw.

Poor deluded hierarchs. I think a real case can be made that hierarchs are really crazy, that hierarchy constitutes a mental illness. To prove that, all we have to do is tie together some of the things I talked about in previous segments, like pieces in the Hierarch Crazy puzzle.
Let’s start with “The Right to Rule.” This “Right to Rule” is a necessary component to hierarchy. If rulers do not possess some claimed right to rule, the rest of us have no duty to obey. But as we all know, this imaginary “Right to Rule” has no rational basis, and so the very corner stone at the foundation of hierarchy is as real as magical beans and faerie dust.
That means there’s a big fat delusion that’s the basis of the hierarch myth. Hierarchs are operating under a belief system that’s contradictory to reality, as real as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or compassionate conservatives. Delusion, a symptom of mental illness.
So, there’s that.
More recently, I talked about freedom, “the absence of external regulation.” Since freedom and external regulation are opposites, and since governments are external regulators, freedom and government are opposites. Where there’s freedom, there’s an absence of government; and where there’s government, there’s an absence of freedom. This is a simple, irrefutable truism.
And yet, hierarchs, who we already established are delusional, operate from a false belief that government does the exact opposite of what government does. They believe that government, the opposing force to freedom, PROTECTS freedom. To believe government protects and defends freedom is to believe the coyotes protect and defend the henhouse.
So, we put these things together, and hierarchs are delusional people who believe that rulers have a right to rule, which is as real as magical beans and faerie dust, and that they exercise that right to rule to do the exact opposite of what governments really do. And that means that we’re dealing with a complex delusional construct.
But there’s more to it. Hierarchs also believe the existence of rulers to be necessary, since humans are stupid and selfish and foolish. They irrationally believe that life is better if we submit ourselves to be ruled by stupid, selfish, foolish people. That’s more than utopian. It’s delusional.
So, taken all together, the delusion we call hierarchy holds that we are better off being ruled by stupid, selfish, foolish people wh right to rule that doesn’t really exist, so that government can do the exact opposite of what government provably exists to do. And the mentally-ill people who accept this pathology really believe that there’s no better way to live.
These folks really drank the Kool Aid.
They defend the supremacy of their delusional construct despite the thousands of years of hierarchy’s consistent failure to ever live up to its promises, to ever work as advertised. In the realm of social and political organization, hierarchy is the equivalent to the sea monkey ad you see in the back of a comic. Hierarchy is such a powerful delusion, hierarchs are completely unable to see the world as it is. They view everything through the lens of this irrational construct, hierarchy. That ‘s why they look at 8,000 years of greater and greater devastation and calamity as “progress.” For the delusional and irrational, hierarchy’s abysmal failures everywhere, leading to toxic air, toxic water, toxic land, acceleration of mass extinction, and the demonstrable INCREASE of human immiseration and suffering somehow proves the SUCCESS of hierarchy. Yes, to the loony tunes, FAILURE is an indication of SUCCESS. Hierarchs are so mentally ill that they cannot so much as entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, the worst possible thing that has happened in the HISTORY of EVER just might not be all that and a bag of chips. Despite the catalog of misery in front of their noses, these Kool Aid drinkers are still convinced that the solution to the problem is MORE Kool Aid.
Taken together, this is a pathology. A mental illness. And not only are hierarchs crazy, but they are the most brutal and intolerant crazies in the whole history of irrationality. If you so much as question any component of their pathology, if you present a rational objection to their collection of magical beans, these whack jobs will DESTROY you. They will criminalize you, toss you into a gang, diagnose you with mental illnesses, put you on no-fly lists, and maybe even kill you. They will apply all the pressures that their delusional construct brings to bear in order to force you to drink their Kool Aid.
Their blind and militant adherence to the irrational program at all costs, even at the price of complete omnicide, reminds me of their prior treatment of a couple of famous dead guys. Galileo and Copernicus had the audacity to challenge long-held assumptions that were integral to the hierarchs’ mythology. These two intellectual rebels claimed that the earth was round and that the earth revolved around the sun.
Implications of their rebel ideas called into question the reality of the Hierarch God that the hierarch high priests had manufactured.
They were both criminalized, labeled as gang members, diagnosed as demon possessed, and put no the no-wagon list. Facing the very real possibility of being burned at the stake, they recanted their offensive claims, rejoining the flat-earthers at sword-point.
Delusional hierarchs don’t burn you at the stake anymore. They now extend the torture out over a longer duration of time. But the same irrational madmen still run the asylum, and the asylum has gone global.
Well, the flat-earth variety of global, anyway.
This is anarchist prisoner Sean Swain from the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville. If you’re listening… DON’T DRINK THE KOOL AID…

After Nearly 3 Years of Investigation, Fuckweasels Return Wrong Typewriter to Anarchist Prisoner

tc-typewriterIn September 2012, Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain was removed from population at Mansfield Corruptional, and his typewriter was confiscated.Swain was then tortured and framed as “Monkey #4” of the Army of the 12 Monkeys. The 12 Monkeys had emerged at Mansfield, circulating thousands of pages of flyers and training manuals. In the aftermath, the 12 Monkeys cost the institution hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages.

But according to ODRC Counsel Trevor Matthew Clark, the 12 Monkeys also sent “threats” to Ohio lawmakers. In an interview with Swain on 27 March 2013, Clark, a.k.a., “Trainwreck Trevor,” asserted that the 12 Monkeys had mailed threats to lawmakers, and that Sean’s confiscated typewriter “matched” the 12 Monkeys’ typed threats.
Trainwreck threatened that FEDERAL CHARGES were coming.
Trainwreck also gave Sean the home addresses of Ohio lawmakers.

Fast forward two years and still no charges (you can tell when Trainwreck is lying because his lips are moving), and Sean’s counsel has filed a federal lawsuit to challenge the fuckweasels’ frame-up and related shenanigans. And suddenly, the fuckweasels return Sean’s typewriter… Sort of.
After nearly three years of vigorous testing, the fuckweasels gave Sean the wrong typewriter.

“I owned a Swintec 2410. They returned to me a Swintec 2416DM,” Sean explained. “So that means all this time, the Fascist Bozos of Ineptitude were testing the WRONG typewriter. I guess we shouldn’t expect less, huh? They lived up to their name; the “fascist” part, the “bozo” part, AND the “inept” part.”

The most curious aspect, a sticker and other identifiers on Sean’s typewriter were transferred to the one they returned to him. The new typewriter was also engraved with Sean’s name and number.

“We all know that Trainwreck is obsessed with me,” Sean said. “I bet Trainwreck kept the old one. He grinds on it while he fondles himself. What a creep. I suspect he has an electrical appliance fetish.”

To inquire about the federal charges that Trainwreck promised, or to find out what Trainwreck is doing with Sean’s original typewriter (and whether he has decided to attend Appliance-Fuckers Anonymous), you may call Trainwreck at (614) 752-1765.

Changing the World through VIOLENCE…

11164771_10152684029591512_3542308530325957117_nI have some incredible and exciting news to share. Historic, world-changing. I suspect at any moment, people all over the planet will be singing and dancing in the streets. We have finally attained that yet-only-figurative Cumbayah Moment.
Reading through a U.S. court decision that upholds my lifetime ban imposed by prison fascists, I note that Judge Benita Y. Pearson has declared that Americans may only advocate change through peaceful means. Yes, this is a watershed moment worth celebrating: the United States of America has RENOUNCED VIOLENCE!
Do you know what this means?
Holy isht!
Up until now, every single year, a cabal of white-haired wealthy old geezers gathered together to hatch plans for changing the world through violence. These geezers funded the violence industries with BILLIONS of dollars.
I’m talking, of course, of the United States Senate. Good to know, their days of changing the world through violence are over. No more appropriating battleships and tanks, Apache attack helicopters and air craft carriers. Until this landmark decision, the United States spent more than THE NEXT 15 MILITARIES COMBINED on changing the world through violence.
No more of that. Continue reading

OSP Hunger Strike

osphungerstrikeA couple weeks ago the weather broke and I went out to the yard. When I got outside, I knelt and brushed the grass with my hand. I felt sunlight and a gentle breeze on my face. I heard birds chirping.
This was my first time outside since 2012. I had to find a place away from everyone else and wipe the tears from my eyes.
Grass, wind, and direct sunlight didn’t exist at the Ohio State Penitentiary. Prisoners there go years and even decades without direct contact with others, without grass, wind, or direct sunlight. And recent policy changes there made the isolation and deprivation even harsher– policy changes that violate the hierarchs’ own laws –and the conditions have provoked several prisoners to hungerstrike.
Prisoners with no other recourse are starving and maybe dying, only asking that prison officials do what they claim they do… And the irrational prison officials refuse to budge, even if it means letting these desperate captives die.
Some context here: OSP is Ohio’s supermax. Prisoners there spend 23 hours in perfect isolation, afforded only an hour of recreation and a shower. Prisoners are cuffed from behind and escorted by two guards when taken to recreation cages, to the shower, and back to the cell. These recreation periods provide for the only real social interaction, as prisoners can talk through plexiglass indoors or through caging in the outdoor recreation area, which is a large cement enclosure with a fence for a roof.
Because of a recent stabbing of a guard by a prisoner with a long history of stabbing guards, OSP has now cancelled use of these recreational facilities, essentially turning the hour of recreation into a twenty-fourth hour of isolation. This policy change does nothing to make guards safer, but it eliminates the hour of human interaction– a restriction that doesn’t conform to the hierarchs’ own laws and constitution. Continue reading

Fuckweasel James “Dr Death” Kline Needs to Lose His Job.

Surprise surprise! Dr James Kline, who threw Sean in a pitch black room for “medical observation” in order to break his med strike last month is also terrible to other prisoners. He’s got a reputation of misconduct that has earned him the moniker “Dr Death”.See below for a story of Kline’s horror practice. If you know of any other prisoners who’re getting the Dr Death treatment from Kline or other prison doctors, send an email to and we’ll share em around.

Wanna help protect prisoners from this guy? Contact ODRC Director Gary Mohr and ask him to stop employing negligent medical professionals to mistreat his captives.
ODRC Central Office- 614-752-1150. Write letters: Gary Mohr, ODRC Director, 770 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43222 Email:

Check it out:

Hi Sean! I have been doing some research on Dr. James Kline D.O. at TCI. I came across your page and read it. I am going after Dr. Kline’s medical license for the inadequate care of one of the inmates. He is a poor excuse of a doctor. I do believe he is discriminating against this inmate and I am not going to let him continue with his fucked up ways. This inmate has an incarcerated hernia in the groin area and it is visible to see. Also this damn doctor was told by inmate that he is in severe pain and he is not there trying to get opiates. Dr. Death as they refer to him said take ibuprofen. The inmates family and I have been calling and sending emails to anyone who may be able to get this guy moved to a place for proper medical attention. The next day the doctor sees inmate and tells him I am not giving you anything for pain and tell your people they can stop calling. Of course, I am now going after his license for his lack of care and concern for his patient. Also for allowing this guy to suffer in pain while he waits for his approval to be moved when Dr. Death could have gave him something to keep him comfortable while he waits. If you have any further info on Dr. Kline, I would appreciate it if you send it to me. Thank you!

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