Let’s Talk About Political Violence


See a funny video of George the terrorist here: https://youtu.be/l7iVsdRbhnc

Originally aired on The Final Straw Radio

In 2013, ODRC Counsel Trevor Clark told me that Americans are not permitted to advocate violence. More recently, a federal judge said we are only allowed to advocate political change through peaceful means. I’m assuming that “peaceful” equates with “nonviolent.” All of this indicates that poor, deluded hierarchs believe that political violence is not legitimate.

So, what is “political violence”? According to my dictionary, violence is “the exertion of force to cause harm or injury.” That’s the violence half of political violence. My dictionary defines “political” as “of or relating to the affairs of the government.” So, that’s the political half. We put that together and I think we have a decent working definition of political violence: “The exertion of force to cause harm or injury, of or related to the affairs of government.” So, there you have it.

Poor, deluded hierarchs keep telling me that the crux of the problem is my “belief in political violence,” my belief in the exertion of force to cause harm or injury, of or related to the affairs of government. And I’m not quite sure what hierarchs mean by that. Continue reading

Sean Proposes Settlement of Lawsuit

Sean and various ODRC have been in a lengthly legal battle following the A12M frame up.

After someone anonymously released the defendants’ and Judge’s personal info on the internets, Sean is proposing that the lawsuit be settled before things get out of hand.

Find the scan of his letter here.


June 8, 2015

Dear Mr. Kerger:

In the light of recent events, I think it is necessary for everyone involved in this situation to recognize that we have reached a precarious stage where neither defendants nor I have any way to determine what will happen next. The posting of Judge Pearson’s home address is a signal that we have reached a point where persons or property could come to harm, and therefore, I think, we have to be ready to make concessions in order to resolve this situation once and for all.

I have devoted myself to constructing a framework for defendants and I to resolve this case to the benefit of everyone involved, including Judge Pearson. I send a copy to you and to Ben Turk. Please review and provide copies to defendants and to Judge Pearson since she is directly impacted by resolution of this case.

I hope this schedule is acceptable to defendants. I hope they will present a counter-proposal for us to review quickly, as we do not know what will happen next, nor when it will happen.

With regard to the level 2 prison to which I am transferred, I would suggest that Marion Correctional is optimal. First, Marion has a “zero tolerance” for misconduct which assures defendants that I will be on my best behavior. Additionally,Marion has the broadest assortment of programs, including religious programs to which I can avail myself, since my conversion to Islam in 2013.

By this proposal, we make a number of concessions that we are not legally required to make, to include purging objectionable materials from the website and voluntarily submitting my writings for approval prior to publication. I believe this is necessary because, ultimately, what matters is resolving this case to the benefit of everyone before something happens that cannot be undone.

I hope this schedule is acceptable.

Thank you for your kind consideration,


Sean Swain

Prison Reg. A243205


P.O.Box 45699

Lucasville,Ohio 45699

c: Ben Turk

Proposed Schedule for Resolution

Immediately: My June 11th statement which prison officials found objectionable is withdrawn from the website. The conduct report written by Inspector Paul Shoemaker is withdrawn. Communications mediums are restored to facilitate my compliance with these terms and Ben Turk’s communications and visiting privileges are restored.

One Week From the Date This Proposal is Presented to Defendants: Ben Turk and defendants identify all materials that make mention of the Army of the Twelve Monkey’s, the disciplinary process at Mansfield, prison conditions during that process, the communication bans that followed, and criticisms of prison officials involved in the Twelve Monkey pretext, for removal from the site.

Also, I compose an open letter for posting that requests removal of personal/sensitive information online, and that those who support my eventual release refrain from future postings, considering the impact it will have on my parole considerations.

One Week Later: Director Mohr reverses, without prejudice, the disciplinary cases challenged in this action. Upon receipt of those reversals, the objectionable materials purged from seanswain.org and the open letter is posted. Plaintiff’s counsel files a motion in limine requesting voluntary dismissal of civil action on condition that defendants do not rehear the disciplinary cases but instead hold a security review to adjust security downward,beginning with the 2013 review, absent the reversed cases.

As Soon as Practicable: I am transferred to a level 2 facility. From my arrival until September 1,2016, all of my writings for publication will voluntarily be submitted for prior approval to prison officials.

Open Statement Related to Security Review Scheduled for June 9, 2015

hqdefaultIt appears that this statement, in which Sean mentions Unit Managers running around naked shooting roman candles from their butt cracks, and asserts that he is less a danger to the ODRC than Warden Terry Tibbals, was sufficiently convincing to SOCF authorities to get his security level reduced.

Full Text: Open Statement Related To Security Review Scheduled For June 9, 2015

To All Concerned:

I write this statement for consideration by ODRC staff in determining security level, and for my legal counsel and for scanning and posting online.

In September 2012, just a week after I was recommended for level 2 placement, I was tortured and recommended, first, for level 5 placement and, second, for level 4 placement. Then-ManCi Warden Terry Tibbals made these recommendations on the basis of my “ability to cause a major disturbance within a lower level correctional institution” ( DRC 2003 E, signed 17th June 2013). It was on this basis that I left level 3 in the first place to spend 2 years at level 4 before coming before you to determine whether or not I should be returned to level 3 again.

I think it is significant to note that I was approved for level 4 not based upon my conduct, but based upon my “ability,” a characteristic that I am alleged to possess. It was always my understanding that security increases were based on conduct, not characteristics. That is, a prisoner goes to level 4 for “punching” a guard in the face, which is conduct, not based on his “ability” to punch a guard in the face.

It seems to me that everyone has an “ability”to cause a major disturbance at a lower level institution. A case manager, for instance, can run naked around the compound, shooting roman candles from his butt crack until security staff tackle him. I would suggest that such an event would constitute a “major disturbance.” So, even a staff have the “ability” to cause a “major disturbance.”though I have not seen a recommendation for all case managers to be confined at level 4 for it.

The irony is, ManCi Warden Terry Tibbals, who signed my recommendation for level 4 based on my “ability” to cause a major disturbance himself created a far greater disturbance than I ever could have. Through his bungling, ManCi was plagued by embezzlement, prisoner deaths, an uprising, and escape. I would suggest that Terry Tibbals was a walking “major disturbance” but he never came here to level 4. Instead, he was assigned as warden at London correctional.

Perhaps if I proved to be monumentally disruptive like Terry Tibbals, Director Mohr will remove me from level 4 and put me in charge of a prison?

So, it seems, based on the rationale for my level 4 placement, that the question before you is whether or not I still possess an “ability” to cause a “major disturbance” at a lower level institution. It is a question for which I can provide no help. I do not know where “abilities” derive or where they go. Could it be that I have lost this ability, the way some people lose their car keys?I do not know.

If I have lost the ability to cause a major disturbance at a lower level security institution, then I may be returned to level 3 security to await the next irrational round of harassment by central office sociopaths. If I have not lost the ability, that qualifies me to be a warden.

So, the question before you is whether I should return to level 3 or whether I should be provided a six-figure salary and a mediocre dental plan for taking charge of a prison and making it completely unmanageable the way Terry Tibbals did.

Thank you

Respectfully Submitted


A quick chronology since I sent out my June 11 statement that essentially advocated that folks locate the homes of state terrorists who torture prisoners and light their homes on fire:

On May 5, all of my outgoing communications were cut off.

About 13 May, Sergeant Terry served me a conduct report written by Assistant Chief Inspector Paul Shoemaker, a.k.a., Paulie SuperGenius (a.k.a. Trainwreck’s Penis). The conduct report accused me of threats, based on the conditional, “…IF they torture us, we burn down their cars and houses…” But, conditionals are protected speech. Sgt Terry gave me 30 days phone and JP4 (JPay hand-held device) restriction.

On 13 May, other prisoners begin sending emails out for me and recording radio segments in my absence.

After 13 May, Blastblog.noblogs.org went online. Judge Pearson’s home address got posted there.

29 May, two other prisoners who sent out emails for me, Mahone and Stephens, have their JP4 devices confiscated. This signals an effort not just to maintain a punishment for what they assert is violative speech, but clearly an effort to silence me completely– something they deny they are doing.

That same day, I learn that 2 CDs are being withheld from me for reasons not permitted in their own rules.

3 June, Ms Davis, the Unit Management Administrator, who generally runs the prison, comes to my cell. She later calls me to her office related to the CDs and assures me emphatically that SOCF is not going to participate in frame-up nonsense. No UMA has ever been this nice to me.

4 June, the warden calls me to an office to discuss my early recommendation to level 3 and makes the point to ask me what level 3 prison I would like to go to. He assures me that SOCF is not going to be involved in central office’s nonsense. No warden has ever been this nice to me.

5 June, Mahone, Stephens and I are called to sergeant’s office. Investigator is present. Investigator assures me that this institution is not taking part in the reindeer games. Conduct report related to the JP4 devices is dismissed. Mahone and Stephens get their devices back. No investigator has ever been this cordial with me before.

Later, 5 June, the case manager gave me the initial paperwork related to my security review and status drop.

Just my assessment, but I think we have managed to reach a critical threshold. Not only is the institution here telling central office to fuck off, not only are they not getting involved, but it appears that there is an effort to flush me to lower security.

Interstate Transfer?

After thinking a bit more about his planned security level reduction Sean now suspects the ODRC is fixing to send him out of state. Here’s Sean’s words.

“So, a quick chronology.  They blocked my video visits in Jan., and I went on a hunger strike.  Then they transferred me here.  When my atty challenged, the court determined I was a unique security threat for following all of the rules.  I criticized this in writings and on the radio show.

Somebody developed a website, I think called blastblog.  Judge Pearson’s address got posted there.  I had absolutely nothing to do with that, but she recused herself from my case.  I am now pending transfer, and they tell me I’m going to a Level 3 institution–but I am absolutely CERTAIN they are transferring me out of state.   They are using this “crisis” as a rationale for sticking it to me.
I’m responsible for every evil that occurs in the world, you know!”

In response, Sean wrote this Open Letter to Other States Considering Taking Him into Custody to Let the State of Ohio Off the Hook.

Please let Gary Mohr know that the more he fucks with Sean, the deeper he’s digging the hole Trainwreck Trevor Clark has pulled the ODRC into. If you’re into calling and emailing prison officials, Mohr’s secretary can be reached through ODRC Central Office- 614-752-1150. Demand that they not transfer Sean (#243-205) out of state and that they lift all special restrictions on his communication.
Write letters:  Gary Mohr, ODRC Director, 770 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43222
Email: drc.publicinfo@odrc.state.oh.us


Update on Sean’s Situation.

In an apparent effort to further isolate and silence Sean Swain, ODRC officials started confiscating JP4 players from other prisoners on his block. Based on our limited knowledge, something like this happened: the authorities realized that Sean’s friends on the inside were communicating with Sean’s friends on the outside and sent the Security Threat Group in. Led by an Officer Miller, the STG took the JP4s away from a couple of L-5 prisoners, and had a meeting with Sean.

Then, in a surprising turn around, the Jp4s were returned and the guys were lectured about improperly using them. More importantly, Sean met with the warden, who offered him a security level reduction. So, at this time, we’ve been told Sean will be going to level 3. This means he’ll be transferred out of Lucasville, and will no longer be held in solitary confinement.

At the same time, some of Sean’s closest supporters, have both received threatening letters from someone at the ODRC (the letters were curiously unsigned). These letters ban them from visiting Sean on account of “assisting in distributing security threats to ODRC staff” and also warn that their “activities have been reported to state and federal authorities.”

We’re not entirely sure what to make of these contradictory moves by the ODRC. We could speculate that while someone who chooses to remain nameless (ahem, Trainwreck Trevor? ahem) seeks to characterize every word Sean writes and move he makes as a threat, engaging in an escalating and unmatched battle of wits with Sean, others within the ODRC are less enthusiastic. Either they have less paranoid interpretations of Sean’s statements, or they are curious what might happen if Sean stopped getting constant reasons to need to defend himself, or maybe they’re just trying to transfer Sean down and pass the whole problem on to another hapless warden somewhere else. At any rate, it does seem like Sean may have divided the prison authorities into at least two camps: those who can’t stop obsessively sniffing his underwear, and those who would rather not get sued.

Sean’s statement for No More Locked Doors Conference

NMLD_websquare-1024x1024Sean wrote the following for the recent No More Locked Doors Conference in Oakland. A PDF of a zine of this and other writings by prisoners on solidarity is available here.

Sean Swain’s responses:
I grew up in a lilly-white Detroit suburb, only son of an autoworker and a stay-home mom. After my mind was mismanaged by public schools I enlisted in the Army for more severe mismanagement. After discharge, I shared an apartment with my then-girlfriend and her two children from prior relationships. Her former boyfriend kicked in the apartment door when I was home alone, and in a panic I stabbed and killed him.
He was the nephew of the clerk of courts. I wasn’t.
Police concealed evidence, the prosecutor concealed witnes the court disallowed my experts. When my conviction was reversed, the court refused to follow the mandate of the higher court, and I remain captive for 24 years and counting without a legal conviction or sentence for a non-crime.
I was irregularly targeted and prosecuted not for any criminal conduct, but for the court to uphold the unwritten proposition that the system of injustice is a weapon to maintain the special privileges of the privileged few, while the poor have not even the right to defend our own lives. Continue reading

From the Underground…

Originally appeared on The Final Straw Radio

Imagine for just a moment that you’re a state terrorist. It’s your job every so often to torture those who expose your criminal agenda. Would you be scared if someone complained to your state terrorist boss who is giving you orders? What if they contacted a friend of yours who works on the legislative oversight committee? Would that bother you? If you were a state terrorist who tortured those who expose your crimes, would you care if one of your victims hired an attorney to challenge you in courts that already have a history of looking the other way? What about if peope maintained a website urging others to address your crimes through strict nonviolence?

Imagine you’re a state terrorist. Consider whether any of that would bother you, whether it would even give you pause. Now, walk a mile in that state terrorist’s shoes. Imagine what your worst nightmare would look like. Continue reading

ODRC Counsel Trainwreck Trevor Names His Penis “Paul Shoemaker”

An internal source at ODRC Gestapo Headquarters has confirmed that Trainwreck Trevor, counsel for the fascist fuckweasels, has recently named his penis “Paul Shoemaker.” Trainwreck made the announcement during the weekly naked Twister game held in Gestapo Gary’s office.
Trainwreck Trevor has consistently harassed Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain, engaging in illegal repression. Most often, he employs his harassment by proxy, getting his co-workers sued for his shenanigans. Most recently, Trainwreck tricked Assistant Chief Inspector Paul Shoemaker into doing his dirty work, targeting Sean’s communications based on contrived “rule violations.” Continue reading

Sean’s Supporters Targetted, Restricted and Threatened.

drcBen Turk has been blocked from accessing JPay, the email communication system used by the ODRC. He has also had his visitation to any prison in Ohio restricted. This means he is not only blocked from visiting Sean, but the half-dozen other prisoners, including death row prisoners framed after the Lucasville Uprising who he planned on visiting next month.

The notice of this visitation restriction also threatens that state and federal authorities have been notified. We’re not sure what those authorities might do with the baseless allegations that Trainwreck Trevor invented to link Ben to whatever perceived threats they’re talking about, but we’re kind of expecting the worst. Because people who like to torture people really don’t want to be exposed or stopped.