Prisoner Resistance at Toledo CI

UntitledSean’s co-accused, James “BlackJack” Dzelajilja was moved to Toledo CI when the ODRC moved all the level 4As out of OSP.  Since Sean’s access to video visits has been temporarily suspended indefinitely, we figured we’d get the story of the Army of the 12 Monkeys from BlackJack instead. Or find out what other ingenious nonsense the fuckweasels might come up with to prevent supposedly protected prisoner speech. The video visits are scheduled for this weekend, and guess what we got in an email BlackJack sent today?

“Our Jpay kiosk has been down since Fri. night. Its now Wed. Only the one in our block is down. Nobody else’s. Wouldn’t it be cute if they didn’t fix it until AFTER our vid-visit? I hope thats not the case. The day this email gets sent out is the day our kiosk gets back online.

Its Thu. morning. Last night the whole block agreed to refuse our breakfast trays today. The administration saw an organized & unified group of prisoners, working together for one purpose: to let it be known that we want our kiosk fixed, & we’re willing to unify ourselves to make that happen. Today, we simply don’t eat. (All of us.) Tomorrow…who knows what we’ll do? They forced us to lock down in our cells. The kiosk is being fixed as I type this. Theoretically, I should be able to send this to you at some point today. Its sad that shit like this has to happen just so we can keep in contact with family & friends. Peace!”

Blackjack isn’t great at replying to letters, but he does love to get mail, and is better at email. So drop him a line, or set up a JPay account and get with him that way. Looks like we will be getting the video visits to happen, and hopefully he’ll be able to share some rhymes as well as answering questions.

Here’s his contact info:

James Dzelajilja
PO BOX 80033
Toledo, OH 43608


Hierarchs are Crazy, Part II

UntitledFrom The Final Straw Radio.

I have many times heard historians argue that the U.S. lost in Vietnam because those in charge did not understand “the reality on the ground.” Yeah, “the reality on the ground.” But if those in charge don’t know “the reality on the ground,” what OTHER reality IS there?

Hierarchy is good at producing delusional hierarchs all too practiced in NOT seeing “the reality on the ground.” To recap, the false mythology of the hierarchs is built on a “right to rule” which imposes a obey,” both of which have no rational basis in reality. The false mythology of the hierarchs asserts that government protects and defends freedom, when the very opposite is provably true in “the reality on the ground.” And the false mythology of the hierarchs views the catastrophic consequences of 8,000 years of hierarchy as signs of success and progre than evidence of abysmal failure.

As I already argued, you must be delusional to be a hierarch. You have to accept “false realities.” But being a hierarch doesn’t just require you to be crazy, it makes you crazy. The hierarch delusion compels you to accept the totally preposterous as true. So, we get good at it. We pretend our teachers are imparting valuable knowledge to serve us in gaining employment that will be satisfying and fulfilling. We pretend doddering old pedophiles have a hotline to a fantastical and ctory god. We pretend bosses don’t rob us of our time and labor value. We pretend wars and prisons are necessary. We pretend economies are real things. We pretend colored pieces of paper with slave-owners’ faces on them are really worth something. Continue reading

Hierarchs are Crazy, Part III

bill-murray-toasterFrom The Final Straw Radio.

It’s the very definition of insanity to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
So, imagine how crazy you’d have to be to do the same thing, year after year, generation after generation, century after century, for about 8,000 years… and still expect a different result. For 8,000 years or so, hierarchs have recognized the rulers’ right to rule, have accepted the duty of obedience, have asserted that government is necessary to defend freedom, have claimed that the “rabble” are too foolish, stupid, and selfish to rule themselves. They’ve recognized a right to rule and a duty to obey that are as real as magical beans and faerie dust; they’ve asserted that government, an EXTERNAL REGULATOR, defends freedom, the ABSENCE of external regulation; and they’ve claimed the rabble are better off being ruled by others who are foolish, stupid, and selfish. Continue reading

Face it, You’re Fucked.

200[disclaimer: the administrators of did not create or know who created Blast Blog! It is not our project, but it may be of interest to Sean’s more Swainiac friends.] 


Blast blog has begun! Shiver in your boots fuckweasels. You may take down this site, but another will always promptly spring from the depths of a giant pool of discontented individuals with access to computers. Face it, your fucked. You can’t kill the internet. For you, its a job. For us, it’s freedom or death. We’ll be seein you at the flagpole motherfuckerz!

This blog will be a designated place for people to expose the individuals who turn the daily gears of systematic abuse within the prison system. As they are simply another arm on the body of the law, they seem to have the same attitude as the cops. The attitude which we’re referring to is that of a hardened mobster who is certain they run the streets, that they can get away with anything, and that they are untouchable. We are delighted to inform every human tool of the legal system and the social order which they protect that the fact is they are simply made of flesh and bone like the rest of us. No one is untouchable, ourselves included. The battlefield is everywhere and the killing field is where you stand.

With the stakes so high, how could we do anything less than talk heavy shit to the people who torture our imprisoned comrades? While our rhetoric may be fierce, this is only a god damn blog. This is only information which exists in the world and has been gathered in one place. We’re speaking from our hearts with nothing less than the passion of dyed in wool rebels; But remember, comrades, talk is cheap.

From another page on the site, labelled ODRC:


2 thoughts on “ODRC”
Anonymous 2015/05/16 at 01:33
Reply ↓
Anonymous 2015/05/17 at 04:28
OMG!!! Some fucking pigs dropped their infos on the ground! What should we do!?!

Continue reading

Update on Sean’s Situation

Sean's current cell block, as trashed by rioters in 1993.

Sean’s current cell block, as trashed by rioters in 1993.

We have not heard from Sean directly or indirectly since Monday May 11th. [update: we have received word from Sean confirming what the prison says below. Sean adds: “You should get a copy of the conduct report in a few days. Shoemaker intended this to be a level 5 incident. SOCF locals aren’t for the reindeer games. 30 days privilege restriction, phone, JPay. Visits are unaffected.” Also, incoming mail is unaffected, so please feel free to mail stuff to Sean. ]

His case manager says that he is in his regular cell, not the hole or the infirmary and that he is on a thirty day phone and JPay restriction, but that he can send and receive regular mail. The 30 day restriction was set by the disposition of a conduct report. The case manager did not know the content of that conduct report.

We suspect the conduct report is manufactured bullshit. We suspect the “30 day restriction” will last more than thirty days. Sean has been on a “temporary” restriction from access to video visits since January, a restriction the screws refused to lift despite a hunger strike, medical strike, large call-in campaigns and (tragically unsuccessful) legal action.

We hope to hear the full story from Sean soon, but we aren’t holding our breath. In the past, mailroom fuckweasels have interrupted, tossed out, refused, delayed and otherwise fucked with his mail. In the meantime, he has expressed a strong disinterest in phone calls and letter writing and likely hopes to hear some stories from folks on the outside soon.

Ubiquitous Security Threats

My name is Sean Swain and I’m speaking to you from a payphone at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville Ohio, the site of the longest prisoner uprising in US history*. I currently reside in the block where that uprising began, L5 and my cell still has the scorch marks on the walls from more than twenty years ago. I think the authorities leave the burn marks to remind all of us prisoners that they won.
But, when I see those burn marks on their walls, I only think of possibilities. I have to warn you before we go any further that I am a “unique security threat”. It was a federal court who recently gave me that designation: “unique security threat” using those exact words.
I’m not just your run-of-the-mill maximum security prisoner, I’m a special category of prisoner who may be subjected to a regimen of restrictions without so much as being accused of violating prison rules. I’m such a unique threat that my communications can be subject to a lifetime ban in anticipation of what I might say about the state terrorists who hold me hostage and occasionally torture me.

Also, you should know that the Fascist Bozos of Ineptitude (FBI) generated 1,297 pages of investigative files on me during the course of my imprisonment. I’m one of my favorite topics, and I write about myself quite frequently, but I can’t think of 1,297 pages to write about me. So that means the FBI knows more about me that I do. My file is available from the FBI as a three-disk set that costs $40. That’s roughly the same as the Sex Pistol’s box set. If ever you have a choice between the two, I would suggest you can’t go wrong with the Sex Pistols.
Continue reading

Fuckweasel Shenanigans Never End

This was smuggled past the prison monitors yesterday…

It’s deja-vu all over again.
The fuckweasels targeted S’s writings in 2012 and sent him to Ohio’s super-duper max. Then they blocked his phone access to stop segments. Then they intercepted his electronic communications, including emails to counsel. Then they suspended his video visits for life without so much as an accusation of misconduct, to keep him off of YouTube. Now, the fuckweasels have blocked all of S’s outgoing communications. Everything.
The official story is that this long, obvious pattern of fuckweaselry is NOT harassment.
S saw this coming and predicted this would happen when the federal court allowed the fuckweasels to ban S for life from video visits. That was the federal court signaling that it was “open season on S S.” Continue reading

Testimony from Rob Mahone…

A255225The following is Rob Mahone’s follow up on the “Hunger Conspiracy“. Rob is the guy Sean referred to as Skinny in his account.

I was just released from the ( hole ) and returned to population on 5/5/15… And this only happened due to the many calls and e-mails of support that Sean Swain and his worldwide team of friends… I really do appreciate everyone who called here and or sent in a response to the treatment on inmates here at S.O.C.F… Now if I may, let me give you a little bit of info about the case that I was wrongly sprayed in the face and then because of all the mace that was in my eyes I was blinded and had to rely on my same assulters to safely direct me in the right direction from my cell to the hole… Well, that didnt turn out too good for me once ( we ) out of the sight of the cameras… Continue reading

Communication Suspended.

Last week we received word that Sean’s email and phone access have been suspended, along with his video visitation. This suspension came shortly after Sean asked us to post this story of an incident of arbitrary and unjustified brutality that occurred on his range. Sean is not in the hole and he has not been physically attacked at this time. Sean’s lawyer is investigating to find the pretext the prison officials used to justify denying Sean his basic constitutional rights again, but, in the meantime, Sean has smuggled the following message out through a friend… Continue reading

The Hunger Conspiracy

[editor’s note: Sean wrote this a few weeks ago, but didn’t want to go public with it until he confirmed some facts, and made sure the guys who were put in the hole wanted it published. We made some calls to the CIIC and waited for word from Sean. One of the last messages before Sean’s access to email and phones was cut off said it was time to go public with this story. All but one of the guys is out of the hole. Updates will be forthcoming.]

In a perfect world, just by sending this, prison officials would straighten the situation out before this had to be published. Let’s hope… Freedom, Sean.

17:04, 20April. I’m typing, coughing and sneezing.

It started at shift change. Second shift officers came on shift and decided that they wished they had stayed in school longer so they could have gotten jobs as janitors at the library, rather than getting stuck in a prison job. Unlucky for all of us held in L5, tenth grade was way too hard for these specimens. So here they are. Continue reading